I'm back bitches!!!
Not that any of you are bitches but it's just something you say, like... Dude! Yeah like dude!
Okay I'm rambling! Lolz!
Ahem!!! Where where we?
Ah! Yes! I was talking about... What? Yes! About how I'm back!
Yes! I'm back! And I'm back with a new sketch!
(Readers: *roll eyes* fucking get on with it dumbass!)
Sooo.... This one was an idea I got after watching 'Venom'.
Seriously! That movie is sick as fuck!
Initially, this was supposed to be... You guessed it! Venom!
But I saw this post on Instagram of so e dude with tribal tattoos and I wanted to do something similar.
(And to be honest, I had forgotten what venom's eyes and teeth really looked like! Hahaha!!)
So I did this instead!
One day, when I can finally do as I wish without my parent breathing down my neck like Jesus is already around for the rapture, I plan to get this on my back or forearm as a tattoo.
This and the snake skull island I did a while back!
Those two together... Hmmm... Now that would be sick!!!