1: Anthropophobia Boy

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"9-1-1 operator. What's your emergency?"

" I. . ."

"Hello? Sir, what's your emergency?"

"I can't live like this anymore."

"Sir, don't do anything rash, can you please tell me where you live?"


*a lone police man barges through the doors*

"Uhm, sir? Are you okay?"

"St-stay away!"

"I won't hurt you. I'm here to help."

" I don't n-need your help! P-please don't step any closer, I'll really d-do it!"

"I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."



*at the hospital*

"-he's unconscious at the moment. Now, Officer Alder, can you please tell me what happened while you rest your injury?"

*cough* "Yes of course, doc. The man was scared shitless-"

"Ryan, please, watch your language."

*low chuckle* "Yes, mom. The young man was in hysterics when I walked in, kept repeating 'stay away'. He was in possession of a gun and I missed that little factor until I had pushed his boundaries too far. I should have been more careful, I just. . . couldn't stand by and let someone die by their own hands again. . ."


"W-where am I. . ? It's so bright," looking around, the young man blinks against the light flowing in from the open curtains, before the realization of a hospital room forms. " No no no. . ."

*knock knock*

His head whips around to stare at the door, with only one hope in mind.

". . .hello? Is it alright if I come in?" A deep male voice quietly slips into the room, and the young man's eyes widen as he begins to shake.

"No! Don't come through that door!" Struggling to get out of the small hospital bed, he looks around for something to hold between himself and the door, only to whimper when nothing is found.

". . .is it because you're currently not decent?"

Freezing, the young adult's brain stutters, not quite processing what was just said through the door.

". . .what. . ?"

". . .sorry, that was an odd thing to say, my apologies."

A moment is spent as both males stand on opposite sides of the door, not quite knowing what to do.

Letting out a shaky breath, the young man slowly drags the lone chair between the bed and the door, trapping himself in the corner.

"Uhm... I don't mean to be rude but it's a little awkward standing outside this door talking to you. . maybe you could think about letting me in?"

". . ."

"W-well if you're comfortable that is, I don't want to push your boundaries again."

A low chuckle makes its' way into the room, and the young man covers his mouth with his hand to keep back the whimpers, when he finally registers what he meant. A flood gate of gratitude, panic, and most surprisingly, longing, opens within him, and he hesitates to let the man in so he can do what should be attempted.

"I-I. . ."

"I can stay out here! I didn't mean to be rude, I'm perfectly fine sitting on the floor if need be."

"Y-you . . . why are you s-so kind . . . "

A sigh of relief rumbles in the older man leaning against the door as he hears the others voice.

"There's no reason not to be. I know you're a good guy, I have nothing against you."

A final decision is made.

"U-uhm. . . you can c-come in. . . please stay o-over there though. . ."

The door clicks open almost silently, and the man steps into the room with his hands up, a weak smile flashed at the younger sitting in the corner.

"Thank you. I'll just stand over here, okay?"

The young man's hold around his knees tighten, and he lets out a few shallow breaths, starting to shake.


Taking a few steps back to lean against the wall, the older man relaxes a bit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, how rude."

With a charming smile, he runs his hand through his hair, turning to look at the other.

"The name's Ryan," holding up his hand he continues, "No need to tell me yours, only do what makes you comfortable."

"It's L-lukas. . ."

"Lukas...what a nice name."

When there's no further response from him, Ryan lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Well Lukas, I don't really know how to gently say this, so forgive me. I'm sorta the guy you shot," a chuckle falls out of his mouth, he looks up, but not before seeing Lukas stiffen, and start to raise his head.

"I. . . s-shot you?"

Making eye contact, Ryan shrugs.

"Well, yeah. I'm not really one for grudges, besides it's not a big deal, so no hard feelings here."

"Oh my god, I'm so s-sorry"

Resisting the urge to step forward, Ryan shakes his head instead.

"Hey, there's no need to apologize, it was a clean shot past all my organs. Hardly any damage, nothing to worry about."

Lukas shakes his head before looking away.

"Look Lukas, I know you normally wouldn't have shot someone, and I also know that you're. . . intimidated by me?"

When Lukas gives a weak nod, Ryan slips a reassuring smile his way.

"I'll leave you be, get some rest. It was nice to formally meet you, Lukas. Maybe one day we can be friends."

Ryan watches Lukas for a moment more, before turning and sliding out of the room. Unfortunately for him, he made it back to his own room just in time to receive a mouthful for not resting.

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