Favorites and "Dogs"

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"What's your favorite color?" Jay asked.




"Dark." Jay chuckled at my color choice.

"Well, what are yours then?" I snapped. "Seeing as my favorite colors are 'dark'."

Jay didn't take that to heart. "Light blue and white." He chuckled nervously.


"Yeah, very happy colors."

"'happy colors'?" I questioned.

"Yeah," Jay smiled a bit. "Moving on! Favorite animal, go!"

"Wolf," I responded without hesitation. "You?"

"Definitely a tiger," Jay replied.

Interesting. "I have enough time for one more question before I have to head home," I informed after checking my phone, realizing Vlad would be expecting me soon.

"Okay," Jay brows furrowed a bit, thinking about one last question to ask for the day. "I got one! What's your favorite mythical creature?"

I tilted my head in thought before responding. "Dragon."

"Mine would have to be a Griffin," Jay admitted.

"Dragons are better." I lightly chuckled, standing up and straightening out my skirt. "Well, I have to get going. Vlad wanted me to join him for a minor meeting that's going to discuss our father's inheritance and company."

"I never thought that he would even allow you to go." Jay was clearly shocked, just like I was when Vlad informed me.

Jay's been here for a few months now, and honestly, our relationship has gotten closer as the time went on. He's met Vlad, which went better than I expected, but Vlad still thinks I'm spying for him.

"He's full of surprises." Both surprisingly pleasant and cruel.

I walked towards the door, Jay following. "I have one final question."


"Have you ever wanted a pet?"

"Actually, I have," I answered honestly, a small smile on my face on the subject. "Vlad And I had a dog when we were younger. His name was Kodi and he was a Siberian husky. He got out of the house soon after our father died and was hit by a car."

I paused before speaking again. "I've always wanted to get another dog."

Jay grinned. "I'll keep that in mind."

"I'll hold that against you." I teased.


"Since Victor is the oldest, but went missing not long after your father died, and your father never chose a successor," That's a lie. "You will take the inheritance and company." All of this was aimed at Vlad.

He smiled. "When will I receive what is mine?"

"In a month or so."

"Perfect." Vlad turned to me. "Isn't that right, Violet?"

I forced a smile. "Yeah, It's perfect."

But there's a letter our father wrote that says I was to claim the inheritance and Wolfe Industries.


"Vio, come to my location. It's important."

"I don't even know where you are."

"I'll send you my coordinates, just get here as soon as possible!"

"I'll be there."

I hung up and sighed, putting my phone in my pocket after quickly memorizing the location Jay sent.

He better have a good reason to tell me to walk into a forest.


"When I said 'dogs' I meant dogs." I hissed once I saw what he wanted to show me. "Not wolves!"

"Well, they're your favorite animal so does it really matter?"

I groaned. "Jay, they're wild animals. There's a big difference!"

Jay glanced at the three wolf pups, laying in the den their mother made for them. Soft fur brushed against equally soft fur, all three huddled up for warmth.

"Anyways, their mother is around." I pointed out, the wolf pups soothing my temper. "We need to leave. Now."

Jay glanced up. "That's the thing, I found their mother."


"She's dead."

"Fuck," I muttered, putting my hand on my face. "What do you want me to do? Raise them?"

Jay nervously glanced away.

"Seriously? I can't. I need to get Vlad's permission." I tried to explain. "He would kill them if I just brought them home."

Jay's gray eyes held a mischievous glint to them. "We don't have to tell him."

My eyes widened at the thought. "That's suicide. He would literally kill me!"

"I'll just say I was responsible," Jay said. "If we leave them out here, they'll die."

"Fine," I gave up. "But that doesn't mean I agree with it."


A/N: This definitely bad, but you might (might) think otherwise.

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