Riku - Profile

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Name Riku

Nickname Lady Riku

Age Sixteen

Gender Female

Species Human

Zodiac Sign Cat

Personality Polite, Respectful, Hard working, Loyal, Caring, Loving, Stubborn, Bit of a short temper, Determined, Nervous at times, Shy at times, and fun loving

Appearance Long beach blonde hair, Pale skin tone, Scars litter her skin, Aqua blue eyes, 4'11 in height, Thin toned curvy body figure, and a medium sized bust

Working Attire Whilst working Riku wears a dress with a dark blue bottom that has a gold design on it and a white blouse top with black buttons. The dress reaches her mid thigh and is always perfectly ironed. She always dark blue flats with the dress. Her hair is in a tight bun with her bangs framing her face

Bio No one really knows were Riku came from but there is a story about a women leaving her child at the Sohma family gates. The child rumored to be Riku. She grew up in the households as a normal child but she was always outcasted due to not being a Dogma and the year of the cat. Once she reached the age of eight she was forced to learn how to cook and clean perfectly. By the age of nine she was put into another Sohma household. Riku had become the maid for the Sohma family. She was strictly told not to look or speak to anyone. Riku changed houses every year. She met Yuki when she was ten. They had slowly became friends. He was the first one to show her kindness. After the year was up the two were almost inseparable. Yuki always wanting to help her. They didn't see each other again. She was still within the gates when Yuki and Shigure. On her sixteenth birthday the houses conflicted on where to put her next until someone spoke about the two Sohma's that moved out. Riku hadn't been there in quite some time so she was shipped there to work for a few years. Yuki and Riku met once again and slowly a relationship formed between the two. They both took risks to be close to one another with the curse intact. After a while Riku became the main source of Ayame's flirting which was highly disapproved by Yuki himself but nothing would stop Ayame, they had tried

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