Alice - Profile

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*"I look good in black, It matches my heart"*

"So tell me, where shall I go? To the left where nothing's right or to the right where nothing is left"

*"I know more than you think, See more than you think, Hear more than you think, So don't underestimate me"*

"In the end we only regret the chances we didnt take, The relationships we were afraid to have, And the decisions we waited too long to make"

*Name* Alice

*Nickname* Cold Heart

*Age* Unknown but looks like she's in her Mid Twenties

*Gender* Female

*Species* Grim Reaper

*Sexuality* Bisexual

*Personality* Stubborn, Kind, Caring, Loving, Cold hearted at times, Short temper, Cocky at times, Soft hearted, Distant at times, Wise beyond her years, Ruthless in the field or when fighting off demons, and Passionate

*Occupation* Management Division at the Grim Reaper Dispatch

*Past Occupation* Noble Women

*Family* Unknown

*Appearance* Long blonde hair, Small almost dainty hands, 5'9 in height, Thin toned curvy body figure, Sun kissed skin tone, Two toned green eyes, and a medium sized bust

*Weapons* Glowing white sword, Black Katana, and her Death Scythe which is a double bladed green and black scythe

*Gear* Multiple tuxedo's which vary in looks, White and Green jacket, Thin black framed glasses, Black and White tracksuit, And a Collard Dove by the name of Mia

*Abilities* Enhanced agility, Enhanced endurance, Soul review and Collection, and Enhanced speed

*Bio* Alice had been a German Noble Women in Germany. Her parents company sold Liquor and Wine. She had a normal childhood for being a Noble Women. Once she reached the age of Sixteen she began to help out with the Family Business. She worked great at it, rarely needing help. It is unsure to herself when she started to gain feelings of depression. But knows when she was thirteen she had started to harm herself. Leaving cuts on her arms and thighs. Once she reached her mid twenties she had hung herself. Due to it being Suicide she was sentenced to being a Grim Reaper. She was in the top of her class in the school and went on to work in the Management Division alongside William T Spears who had regulert visited her while she was in schooling. She is known to go out and Reap Souls from time to time or to ward off demons. It's unknown to almost everyone when it started. But Alice and William had become lovers. They hid it well and kept it out of the workplace but Ronald has managed to find out as well as Grell. Alice had threatened them if they told anyone else

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