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Since Steve came with his motorcycle Jade and her kids had to follow with a cab which they didn't mind. After about an hour of driving they reached the place where everyone of the old avengers lived. In the middle of nowhere. The cabdriver never asked why to stop on a abandoned road. They still had to hike a bit through the forest to get there. Once out of the cab and it being out of great distance both Scarlett and Killian couldn't wait anymore with their powers. Steve offered to carry the suitcases but Scarlett was faster. 'Don't worry I will do it.' she smiled sweetly and the luggage once again moved without being touched. 'Jade laughed and shook her head. 'every time.' she said to Steve who just grinned widely. Killian in the mean time teleporting between the trees and into them. 'Stay safe!' Jade yelled up and he looked back and grinned. 'Always mom!' he yelled back. They were a bit up ahead while Jade and Steve followed. 'He is much like him.' Steve said and Jade smiled. 'Oh that he is.. most defiantly a Barnes.' She said while weaving her own hand having tree roots move out of the way so their path cleared a bit more. Once passed it they moved right back in to place. Jade was a Natural she could influence all the elements in nature. She came from a long line of powerful witches. Not all were born with powers but most of them were. And there were just a few naturals. These were the most powerful witches among them all. Steve was always in awe when Jade used her powers. That was also one of the reason the soldier had liked her so much. 'Can't say I haven't missed that.' he pointed out when Jade moved more roots out of the way. She smiled softly and then hooked her arm under his resting her head against it. 'You have Wanda around here. Isn't that comforting another witch.' She spotted the house in the distance and felt more memory's coming back she loved. 'Yes we do but she can't do what you do.'he said to her and then saw the kids stop in their tracks and look back at them. Steve looked surprised when they came back to them. 'No she can't.' Jade said and let go of Steve. 'Did you just?' he asked and pointed to the kids. 'Call them without words? Yes I did, little something I received when giving birth to them we are all connected telepaths with each other.' She smiled and so did Killian. Scarlett was still focused on the suitcases.

'mommy there is a boundary around the house.' Scarlett said when they walked closer to the house. Jade just smiled and looked at Steve. 'Wanda protected the house?' he nodded. 'Yeah she did, in case we would get discovered and all. I can walk right through it but I don't know about you.' He answered and Jade just smiled. 'Let's get them out.' She winked at Steve and he already took a step back. 'This will be good.' he grinned and looked down at the kids who chose to stand next to him. Jade opened her right hand and reached back towards the trees and something started moving while she moved her arm forward. 'here we go.' she said looking back seeing her kids smile widely. Within the boundary the floor started to shake and roots came bursting out entwining together. She reached more forward and the roots started to form hands one was morphing into a body. In the meantime the door of the house flew open and Wanda came bursting out with Sam and Scott at her side. 'What the hell! Is this!!'Scott yelled while looking around. The figure fully formed and moved over to them while a different root burst out of the floor right next to Jade's other hand which she placed on it. Wanda already smiled 'It's her! She is back!' she said and looked at Sam who had no idea what was happening. The figure reached them and spoke to them. 'Sorry for scaring you but could you please put your boundary down. Steve and I would like to enter.' Jade said through the roots and Wanda smiled widely. 'Seraphine.' She said excited. And tried to look beyond the roots. 'Who the hell is Seraphine?!' Scott asked and looked at both Sam en Wanda confused. Sam relaxed and smiled. 'One of the most bad ass witches you will ever meet. Let them in Wanda. 'he chuckled and folded his arms. Wanda let down the boundaries and watched as the roots one by one disappeared back into the ground. And four figures came walking towards them. 'Who do they have with them?' Sam asked and Wanda shook her head. 'I don't know they look like children. 'Told you she would know. Bet she already knew before I spoke to her.' she said to Steve when they walked over. 'It's a possibility but anyhow still processing what just happened.' he said and she started chuckling. The kids in the meantime walked next to their mother while the luggage still floated after them. 'Don't be scared they won't hurt you. 'she reassured them in their minds.

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