Oh shit...

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Frankly, I'd rather not remember what it was like to be born fully conscious. It was unpleasant, and I'll leave it at that. On that note, there was plenty of stuff to be excited about! Like the first time I really understood who I was.

I stared at the kunai in my hands, absentmindedly flipping it about in my hands. My brow was slightly furrowed. I guess is isn't that weird to own kunai. I mean, my older brother in my past life had been utterly obsessed with all sorts of weaponry.

"Ah, Daichi! Looks like our little Tenten is a Kunoichi in the making!" My kaa-chan exclaimed.

I looked up at them for a moment. I hadn't even realized that they were in the room with me. Were they really not freaked out by their three year old casually twirling a knife?

I blinked at the weapon. It was heavy in my chubby toddler hands.


It was starting to click.



Tenten, Ninja, weapons, being okay with murderous three year olds, All the stretches Kaa-chan had been dragging me to do.


Fuckin'... NARUTO!

I placed the knife on the ground before marching with far more coordination than a three year old should have had, towards the window. More pieces of evidence was accumulating in my head.

The panic when I was about one. That had been the freakin' Kyuubi.

How did I not notice?!

I finally reached the window and managed to finagle my way up a coffee table to look out of it. Stretching out beneath me was a smallish konoha marketplace.

Man I felt like an idiot.

Then of course there was the second realization.

I'm Tenten. I hummed slightly.

Chances are, as Tenten, there wasn't much I could do to the plot. I could save Neji, maybe prevent Gai from being crippled. He did get crippled, right? What else could I do something about? I pondered the Uchiha massacre for a moment. Saving the Uchiha would royally fuck up the timeline, but who was I to determine who lived or died? The Uchiha had as much right to live as anyone else, but what could I realistically do to save them?

My first thought was Shisui. If I saved Shisui, the Uchiha might have a chance. Of course, Danzo might still try to get rid of them. I would have to inform Shisui of Danzo's plan. He and Itachi might be able to tag team the old elder. Whether or not they'd believe me was an entirely different story. Maybe I could inform the Hokage? I shrugged that one off relatively quickly. I couldn't remember whether or not the Hokage had ordered the massacre, or at least okayed it, so it was far too risky to attempt telling him. Then again, there was no assurance that Shisui and Itachi wouldn't kill me as soon as I told them anything.

I'm gonna need a notebook for this, aren't I? And I ought to start writing down what I know now. I don't know how long I'll be able to remember the details.

I took a deep breath and set my thoughts aside for the moment. The best I could do right now would be to start learning as much as I could now. I wasn't really worried about being labeled a prodigy. As much as it might draw attention from Danzo, it would also draw attention from a lot of other people. Itachi's mistake was going into Anbu, which I had no intention to do. Not to mention the fact that I could likely insist on not graduating early. Especially since I definitely wanted to befriend Lee, and maybe help Neji with the stick up his ass.

My thoughts froze suddenly.


I'm three.

I'm about a year older than Hinata.

Hinata is two.

Hinata gets kidnapped at three.

Looks like I have something else to worry about before the massacre.

At most, I would have two years for the kidnapping. At least? Maybe a couple months.

My head was starting to hurt from the whir of thoughts. I decided to wait a few days until I had an excuse to buy a notebook. That way, all my brainstorming would at least be somewhat coherent. On that note. Next order of business, get a notebook. "Kaa-Chan?" I asked, using my best 'Innocent voice.'

"Yes, Ten-chan?"

"I wanna be a shinobi, Kaa-chan." My voice went a little dead at the end. It wasn't on purpose. It just slipped out occasionally. I trusted that my parents would brush it off, as they usually did. Frankly, I was lucky that in my past life I used to use a bit of baby talk, regardless of my age. It made it easier to pretend to be a normal kid, though it was more for my parent's sake than mine.

Regardless of how dead my voice sounded, Kaa-chan squealed. "I'm so glad! Kaa-chan has so much to teach you!" Her voice was high pitched with excitement as she bound up to me, twirling me into her arms. I smiled at her happily, totally at ease in her arms. I got a good look at her smiling face. In my opinion, Kaa-chan was beautiful. Her brown hair framed her face, and her hair was in an elegant bun, that was slightly off center at the nape of her neck. Her green eyes sparkled with amusement. She was fairly short and delicate looking, which contrasted hilariously with my father's broad tall build. She was only about 153 cm (5'0"), while my father towered above her at 200 cm (6' 7"). Other than that, my parents were pretty similar. Though, my mother was mostly exuberant at home, while my father was more... always.

I smiled widely at her. 

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