How did this happen? Michael...? Robert 's desillusion

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Lovely readers ,  I will be telling Michael and Diana 's love story the way I imagine it with a main highlight on people that came between them and failed .... each time, so I will try to reflect that as much as I can ....

Diane laid down on her soft silky bedsheet, her hair forming a dreamy areola around her head, she was sleeping, tired after day dreaming for  hours, she wanted so badly to express her emotions.... but how could she do it in flesh? She will never do such things... . Michael , her little ......Michael , how did this even happened? ... how?.... Really when did this start? How? ... Why?


"Diane ! wake up ... are you ok?"

"Sorry Rob , what s going on? "... Diane woke up slowly , yawning. Hope I did not wake you up...

"No I am fine, just checking that you are ok Diane "... you were saying strange things in your dream ...

"I heard you saying Michael"....

"Is everything ok with Michael ? I haven't seen him in weeks.. He is usually very frequent here.."

"Michael? Why him now? In our bed? I don't know why I said his name in my dream ! may be .... I was just ..... It was about euh..about .... I don't remember Rob, I was sleeping! Don't be silly ! "

That is just about when she figured out that she could not hide it to herself or to Rob anymore, her reactions , and her discomfort was saying it all! Yes she had something for Michael, but she was in denial! Yet!

Uff... exhaled Diane , thinking ... what I am supposed to do ? a married woman having feelings for a young man I knew as a boy. .....

Rob held his face in his hands, shaking it for understanding ...But how the hell could he understand that he lost or was slowly losing his wife to a very young man that they both knew when he was boy? Yes as a... boy!

Rob lifted himself seated on the bed

"Why him now? " you are asking..."Exactly why him now in our bed?
"Its because you brought him there, or I would rather say he was always there?? right Diane? "
I should have known better!

"Rob, please just stop!" Said Diane with a trembling voice .

"Diane, I am trying to understand what is happening to us ".... Here was he shaking his head again, suddenly throwing an hysterical laugh...

Things were not working as great as it was anymore , but Michael.....

Diane ! are you sleeping with Michael ? Please tell me the truth I need to know! screamed Rob exasperated!

"No Rob! No .. Please stop it now! are you crazy? How can you think about this?"

"Now that I can rewind it , I remember now how he looks at You sometimes! Like he wants to devour you...."

"Please don't be silly Rob! Michael just love and admire me as a second mother! "

"Mother! ? No one looks at his mother with such eyes of lust! Please get off me with this mother story! " To others

"Don't be ridiculous Rob! I am yours! Only! "

"Then , make love to your husband then Diane! The way it's supposed to be!
it's been 12 weeks, you are always finding excuses! why?? Tell me?? You don't desire your husband anymore? "

Diana looked down at these words, incapable of looking at Rob in his eyes which were containing her true feelings about Michael. Yes, she was thinking about Michael , dear lord.... more than that .... she wanted him, yes his touch... she desired him that was the simple blatant truth , because ......she tried singing it to get it out of her system first and it didn't work , she decided to write.. to pray may be to see if it will work....Dear Lord Jesus please protect me from my feelings over my son Michael that you brought to me by your mercy and kindness to look after. God I am guilty of wanting him as my man , please forgive me... Protect me against myself !

And now she was confronted by her husband!

How many times these days , she turned to Jesus and most likely all the gods possible , turning over and over on her bed at night incapable of sleeping, felling so overwhelmed by her desire that the simple thought of Michael kept her awake doing things she shouldn't do , thinking about things she should really shy away from, all resulting of keeping her from wanting her husband the way it should be between husband and wife!

Now she was making them suffer....

"I always knew "said Rob!

"Knew what? Rob? Are you getting maniac? "said Diane , suddenly running away quickly from the bed to the bathroom to avoid confronting Rob any longer...

"Don't run away from yourself Diane! It's not necessary!  I know it! I can see it in your eyes when you look at him! "

Swiftly , Rob jumped out of the Bed , pulling Diane toward his chest forcefully !

"No just let me go Rob! Please ... you are hurting my feelings .."

"Your feelings ? what about me your husband?"

It s all in your head !! You crazy ! leave me alone ! shouted Diane, trying to move away from Rob's chest with the remaining strength she had.

Rob became impatient and moved his way forward, kissing Diana forcefully, he did not wanted to manage her feelings any longer, he had been very patient but now he desired his wife for so long ,  and this frustration coupled with the staggering feelings of being powerless , triggered by an ultimate jealousy  pushed him to his limit!

I am going to have you now Diane, you can't do this to me .... No excuses tonight!

With this, he lifted Diane to the bed , pressuring her nightgown forcefully up to get intimate, and, without any other ceremony he pushed his hardness inside of her, cursing and shouting ..... You are going to love me , yes you will love me..... again ! I am your rightful husband ...

"No ,no, please Rob ,tears coming down Diane 's cheeks , please stop Rob, not like that !"

What? Why? is that Michael that you want? Hmmm.... said Rob pushing in to her harder ... and harder ..... why are you not screaming his "dam" name? Tell me Diane ! am I not good enough anymore?

Diane was pleading, begging him to stop, but he didn't ..... He gave it in to his anger and frustration ... it was ugly...

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