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Just when Sofia was helping me with Luc, I switched places and started talking to one of the most popular kids in the whole school, Edward

Just when Sofia was helping me with Luc, I switched places and started talking to one of the most popular kids in the whole school, Edward

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to each place that went was the feeling, apart from being attractive, athlete, nice, good with people and intelligent. They all followed him, like bees to a flower. The first time we spoke was too strange and peculiar, it seemed that we had met before we had so many things to talk about, we completed sentences, we ate together in class. The times we were together everyone greeted me, everyone talked to me, they gave me free things in the cafeteria and the teachers gave us better grades.

It was almost a dream to be near him and of course Sofia eventually ended up falling like the others before him, so I also had to help her with that, but she was very strange when I was close to him screaming and running away. Clearly Edward realized, one day I tried to speak and he realized he told me something that changed a bit the opinion he had of him.

-Edward I want to talk to you about something, my friend ...

-wait, you're not trying to introduce me to your friend, right?

-It was precisely that.

-don't do it.

- Why not?

-The only thing that provokes me is repulsion, so better tell her that I have a girlfriend or something like that.

-it's okay.

I continued with him, I think about what he had said, later I met Sofia.

-what did he say?

-I'm sorry, he has a girlfriend.

-A good, anyway, thanks for helping me

A few days later, a Friday in recess she told me:

- You know you should tell Austin or Luc.

-I don't see it necessary.

-if you don't declare to them I will do it.

-But why would you?

-It's just an experiment so you can see how easy it is.

-I don't know, I don't think it's a good idea.

- to see only I will try with one, so you tell me, to which of the 2.

-Because you know that I like Luc a lot so I would not like to see you doing that with him, so don't think about it and Austin ...

-Decided then it will be to Austin.

-wait to?

-Now see you I just saw him outside your living room.


-We talk in the class.

He left me sitting alone watching him go away. I stayed there a bit and then decided to go to the living room, on the way back I met Edward who immediately when he saw me he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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