Chapter 4

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Bill jerks awake at the sound of a choked off scream. His whole body suddenly becomes nauseous from sitting up so fast. The boy lays back down, closing his eyes and dismissing whatever the sound came from. The vile in the back of his throat threatens to come up, not even giving Bill a chance to think.

He swallows thickly. A hand comes up to feel his forehead, Bill doesn't have a fever. The wonder of why he felt like this floats through his brain. But then, Bill remembers what happened. To him it seems like forever ago, his sleep took a few years off his life. In reality, it wasn't more than a few hours ago.

The brunet sits up and stares at the clock on the wall. It read just a little after midnight. Outside is dark and quiet. Bill wonders what was up this late at night. He gets up, shakily walking towards the window. His body feels much better, but he seems to forgotten how to walk.

As he reaches the window he notices that there's nothing outside. There's no lights, no noise, no wind, no nothing. It's silent and almost brings an eerie feel to the place. But Bill knew better than that. He knew that there was nothing wrong or bad going on outside. So he tugs on his blinds and makes his way to the door.

His hand reaches for the knob. When he touches it, it's cold. He almost jerks back but doesn't. Instead, he grips it tighter and twist. Yet, the door doesn't budge. Bill's hand slowly twist it the other way, nothing happens. He becomes slightly panicked and jiggles it more harshly.

Another scream echos through his room. And Bill recognizes this as Richie. He doesn't know what's happening but even with as much as the boy put him through, Bill didn't want him in pain. A thought races throughout his mind before he can catch it. Bill wonders if Pennywise had came back early. This thought leaves as Bill refuses to think about it.

A knock that Bill makes frantically can be heard from all of the house. Yet, the only two awake, couldn't hear it. And if Stan could, well, he didn't care. The whole point of locking the door was so Bill wouldn't be able to come and stop the punishment or even see it. Stan knew how Bill could get.

The boy wanted Richie punished, and Stan would bring that to life even if it wasn't the way Bill wanted it. The oldest boy had finally realized how much Richie had been bad. He wasn't going to let it slip through this time.

Rope were tied around Richie's wrist and connected to each other behind him. The same rope bound his ankles together and to his wrist. The boy was helplessly on his knees.  Tears fell freely from his eyes. He was a mess.

Stan kneeled in front of him and yanked the gag out of his mouth harshly. Richie gasped for breath at the feeling and leaned forward. He tried to do anything to get Stan to touch him the way he wanted to be touched, to be gentle with him and not punishing. Richie was okay, he could deal with the punishment. But did he want it? No.

"What's your color?" Stan demanded. The older leaned back so Richie couldn't touch him. He whimpered, wanting Stan.

"Sir, pluh-please-" Stan yanked the gag back into his mouth. He knew that not answering meant green. Usually, he'd let the boy finish his sentence but he was so done with him he wanted nothing more than to finish him.

"God, you've been so bad lately, Richie. Why didn't I punish you and just let you get anyway with it?" Stan asked, knowing exactly how Richie would respond to that. He stands up, walking around the boy as he made useless noises through the gag. "Bill probably doesn't even want you punished this harshly."

And Richie's noise falter for a second at the mention of Bill. He glances down at the ground, feeling remorse for the things he did. This makes his tears fall harder. Richie knew he hurt his fearless but yet not so fearless leader. Although, he didn't know the full extent.

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