Chapter 1

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{Castiel's POV}

I stared out the window of Anna's silver Prius as she drove me to my last first day of school. Being a senior had its perks. Sadly, one of mine was not driving. I had never bothered to get my license, mostly because I was a terrible driver. So my older sister, Anna, took me everywhere. Luckily for me, she was not only my sister, but my best friend. My only friend, really.

Anna and I had run out on our family years ago. My brothers took life much too seriously, and treated us like shit. My father had been missing for ages, but I seemed to be the only one in the family that believed he was still alive. My mom had died when I was very young, so I never really got the chance to know her. So that was our family, screwed up as it was.

I snapped out of my flashback as I saw the sign, 'Lawrence High School' come into view.

"Anna, please," I begged, not knowing exactly what I was begging for. I could feel the look of panic on my face and the butterflies in my stomach.

"It'll be alright, Cassie. The first day at a new school isn't as bad as people make it up to be. In three years, you probably won't even remember any of these people. Am I right?" She smiled at me knowingly.

'No,' I thought to myself. But I nodded anyway.

She pulled up to the front of the school and I grabbed my bag.

"Do not forget me here. 3:20. No later."

She stuck out her bottom lip.

"When have I ever forgotten about you, Cassie?"

I laughed, knowing what a load of bull that was.

"Just be here," I said rolling my eyes and stepping out of the car.

I walked up to the big double-doors and stepped inside.

The smell of old paint, lemon scented cleanser, and dusty books hit me like a ton of bricks. I crinkled my nose and followed the stream of teenagers until I reached what looked like an office. I walked in and approached the desk.

"Castiel Novak," I said, when asked for my name. I was handed a schedule and a lock for my locker. Number 245. Easy enough to remember.

"Third hallway on the right," the lady behind the desk smiled. I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of sympathy in her eyes.

I made my way to my locker. I attached the lock and put my bag inside. Then I pulled out my binder and closed it. I sighed and leaned back against the cold metal. I watched people high-fiving and hugging and welcoming each other back to school. I didn't want to be here. I hated anything social. And frankly, putting a bunch of stressed and hormonal teenagers in one building for six hours every day for five days seemed like a bad idea.

The bell rang and I looked down at my schedule. Period 1- Science with Ms. Taylor. Room 43. I frowned. Great. I had no idea where that was. I shoved my schedule into my trench coat pocket and headed off to find my class.

* * *

{Dean's POV}
I walked into my first class and sat down next to one of my best friends, Charlie. I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Oh great, Ms. Taylor's back this year." I rolled my eyes and smirked.

Charlie giggled.

"Yeah I know. I swear she's been checking me out all morning." Charlie glanced up at everybody's least favorite teacher.

"I guess even the teachers know about you." I winked at her and she kicked me, laughing as the late bell rang.

Charlie had come out of the closet last year when she brought her girlfriend to junior prom. Since then, she hadn't been able to keep the ladies off. Of course, I had known about her for much longer than that. Charlie was like a little sister to me. It was relaxing to have a girl to explain things to. I had no other women in my life except the girls I dated. But they rarely meant anything to me. They were just there for the holes that I needed to be filled. My mom died in a house fire when I was younger. Ever since then, it's just been my dad, my brother Sam, and me. So my experience with the opposite sex was close to none.

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