Chapter 2

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{Dean's POV}
I turned on to my street and what I saw almost made me choke.

A silver Prius. Sitting in the driveway of the newly sold house across from my own.

I held my breath as the car door opened and Castiel stepped out. His eyes were puffy and his nose was red. He looked like he'd been crying.

I felt a pang in my gut. I wanted to jump out of the car and run up to him, wrap my arms around him and tell him everything would be alright. The idea of being that close to him made me shiver. His lips just a few inches away, my hand running through his amazing hair.

Of course, I couldn't do that. I had never even spoken to the guy. So I watched sadly as the red head took my place, getting out of the car and putting her arm around his shoulders.

I continued driving until I reached my house. I pulled into the driveway and waited until both the red headed girl and Castiel were inside. I still wasn't sure who she was, but she seemed nice enough.

I opened my door and got out. I locked my precious Impala and went up to the door of my family's small house.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by Bones, our golden retriever. I smiled and patted his head before setting my bags down.

"Sammy! I'm home!" I yelled towards the stairs.

I heard a muffled reply.

I smirked.

Sam had been home with the flu for about a week now. He was just getting over it and now all he did was sleep.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and popped the top. I wanted to forget that today ever happened. I walked over to the couch, sat down, and turned on the TV, trying to stop thinking about that Novak kid.

{Castiel's POV}

"Now, tell me everything," Anna said as we sat down on the couch, her arm wrapped comfortingly around my shoulders.

"There's nothing to tell," I looked down and wiped my eyes. "I just had a bad day. I don't want to be here. In this town, at that school."

"But what happened today? Come on, Cassie, you've got to tell me." Anna looked at me with pleading eyes. She looked so sad.

I sighed.

"I embarrassed myself. I got pushed around. I didn't talk to anyone, and nobody wanted to talk to me. They talked about me behind my back and laughed at me, and I don't even know what I did wrong. I'm just a loser," I concluded sadly.

"Castiel Novak. You are a lot of things, but you are not a loser."

I knew things were serious when she used my full name. Her expression softened.

"You didn't meet anyone? At all? Not one interesting person in that whole entire school?"

"Well..." I felt the heat rising to my face and I looked down. Anna was the only person on the entire planet that knew my secret. Her eyes widened.

"You met a boy didn't you?" A smile played across her lips.

She got down off the couch and crouched in front of me. Her hand went up to my chin and she gently lifted my face up until my eyes met hers.

"Listen, Cassie. Life is short."

I rolled my eyes at her cliche.

"No, listen to me," she giggled. "Life is short. God knows what will happen after we die. You only have a small amount of time before its all over. Now tell me this, would you rather look back on your life, happy you took those chances; or look back on your life and wish that you had?"

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