Chapter 10

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{Dean's POV}

I unlocked the front door and held it open for Cas. He smiled and walked in, so I followed closely behind him, closing it and locking it behind me.

"Sammy, we're back!" I yelled up the stairs.

"We?" He yelled back.

"I brought Cas!"

"Hey Cas!"

"Hey Sammy, how are you doing?" Cas said and smiled as my brother appeared in the doorway.

"I've gotten better, thanks. What are you guys doing here?" Sam looked at me and cocked his head to the side.

"Just wanted to hang out here instead of Cas's house." I shrugged my shoulders and said casually, so that my brother wouldn't suspect anything. Of course, he suspected anyway.

"Uh-huh. Well I'm gonna go out with some friends, so you guys have fun." He winked at me as he grabbed his jacket and walked past. He knew me too well.

"Bitch," I retorted.

"Jerk," he shot back, laughing as he opened the door and stepped out. As soon as I heard it close, I turned to Cas and grabbed his collar.

I pulled him into me and slammed our lips together. He let out a surprised squeak, but he quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around my waist, closing up the space between us. I moved my hands to the back of his head, tangling my fingers in the hair on the nape of his neck, because I knew that drove him crazy. He moaned quietly into my lips and I lost it.

My arms went down his back and I bent my knees slightly, picking him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist and I carried him up the stairs carefully, making sure our lips never seperated.

When I got to the top of the stairs, his legs dropped to the ground and I moved my hands back up to his neck. We crashed through my bedroom door and I kicked it closed behind us. He finally pulled away, breathing heavily and staring at me with those bright blue eyes. I stepped closer and gently pushed his shoulders, causing him to tumble backwards onto my bed.

He never broke eye contact.

I leaned over him, one arm on either side of his head, so that my lips were hovering inches from his own. He whimpered, begging for more. I smirked and brushed my lips against his jaw, before moving down to his neck. I sucked gently at the skin, making small red marks along the way. I had soon created a trail of red circles leading down to right below the collar bone. I pulled away and he groaned.

"Dean, please..." He begged. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to slow down his heartbeat.

When he opened them again, I saw a glimmer of determination that hadn't been there before.

He moved his hands to my hips, snaking them up under my shirt. I lifted my arms up briefly so that he could pull it up and over my head.

His eyes trailed down my body, taking in every inch of bare skin. He gently touched my stomach, running his hands over the defined muscles I had worked so hard on.

His hand finally reached my chest, and he caressed my nipples with his thumbs.

I moaned as the pleasure shot through my body. Just one touch from Cas could send me over the edge.

My arms started to shake, so I rolled over and he climbed on top of me, sitting on my hips, his thumbs still massaging me slowly.

He leaned down and replaced his thumbs with his tongue, sucking at the sensitive skin there.

I whined and wriggled under him, needing to be closer, needing more of him. I tried to pull him closer, but he moved my hand away and pinned it to the bed, not allowing me to move.

"Cas, c'mon, you're torturing me here," I whined.

He looked up at me with those eyes and I melted. He had no idea what they did to me; the power that he had over me because of those two blue pools of his.

I whimpered, but couldn't look away. He stopped sucking for a moment and lifted his head.

"I know," he said simply. I groaned. For a virgin, he was damn good at this.

He went back down and moved to the other side, continuing the torture. I squirmed and shook underneath him for what seemed like forever, until he finally pulled back.

I sat up a little, pulling at the bottom of his t-shirt until he lifted his arms, allowing me to pull it over his head.

My eyes raked down to his hip bones, causing my breath to catch in the back of my throat. He looked so perfect, sitting on top of me, shirtless, with only a baggy pair of sweatpants covering the rest of him.

He slowly slid down, off my hips and off the bed. I stood up and stared at him as he crouched down in front of me, so that his knees were on the floor.

I ran a hand through his hair and he looked up at me, piercing blue eyes shining with lust. His hands moved to the button on my jeans, undoing it before slowly unzipping the zipper.

I whined at his slow pace, tugging at his hair, begging for him to go faster.

He looked up at me again, as if to ask for my permission, I stared down with pleading eyes and nodded.

He never broke eye contact as he reached in and pulled it out.

He finally looked down and his eyes widened a little. It was obvious that he had never seen another dick besides his own, but that didn't seem to phase him. He slowly took it in between his lips, and my whole body shook with pleasure. I leaned my head back and moaned loudly.

When I looked back down at him, he was staring at me intently. I watched his lips, slowly bobbing up and down my length, moving his hand with it, pumping faster and faster, picking up speed. I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a loud noise that I had never made before in my life.

"Dammit, Cas," I breathed.

He pulled it out of his mouth and ran his tongue along the underside, from the base to the tip, teasing me and making me squirm even more. He shoved it back in his mouth, making small, quiet noises in the back of his throat with every pump.

He soon had almost my whole length in his mouth. Didn't this boy have a gag reflex?

I groaned louder and pulled harder on his hair as I reached my climax. With a final gasp, I released into his mouth and he pulled away in surprise. I watched, breathing heavily and he swallowed and stared up into my eyes.

He slowly stood up and moved closer, closing the gap between us and leaning in so that our lips collided and we fell back onto the bed in a sweaty, out of breath heap.

"I love you Cas," I whispered, pulling away and staring into his eyes.

"I love you too, Dean," He whispered back.

We laid there in comfortable silence for a while, curled up together, staring off into space.

"So. Would you like to be called commander from now on?" I asked, jokingly. When I didn't hear a response, I glanced over at him and he was fucking leering at me. Before I knew what was happening, he had flipped me over on my back, looming over me on all fours.

"Yes," he growled, face inches from mine.

I gulped and stared into his eyes. Then he came down and gently pressed his lips to mine, running his tongue over my bottom lip.

I whimpered at his sudden act and melted into it.

After a few minutes of this, he got off me and went back to kitten Cas again.

He buried his head in the crook of my neck, breathing deeply. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled at it lightly, the way he liked. We fell asleep quickly, wrapped in each other's arms, out of breath, and happy.

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