Chapter four

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"It's not just me, right?" I asked Danny, after Dele had left us, half my focus on the game of FIFA, the other half deep in thought.

"Nah, me too big man, there has to be something going on," he responded, and I sighed.

"There can't be tho," I said, glancing at him. "When have they seen each other, other than..."

"No, they did that Adidas thing, remember?" He said. "Maybe something happened then?"

"Hmm. They'd never tell us," I mused.

I glanced over to where Jord was greeting Kyle Walker happily, the two of them talking animatedly together. Those two had been friends for as long as I could remember, and to be honest I wasn't even sure how it had started. Not far from where they were standing, I could see Dele talking to Eric and Tamira, but wether consciously or not, his eyes flicked towards Jordyn every so often.

"You know what," I said quietly, "I think they're both actually pretty clueless."

"Yeah?" Asked Danny. "We might have to help them out, if they're having trouble realising they don't actually hate each other."

"We might," I chuckled in agreement. "Well, Jordyn's gonna hate me after this."

"She'll thank you later," he smirked, throwing down his controller in exasperation, after I finally managed to beat him. "Come on, let's go talk outside about this. I don't want anyone to hear us."

"Right behind you man," I nodded, following him.

We headed towards the door to the hallway, and I nodded to Trent and Hendo as they passed us, before slipping outside, and closing the door. My best friend had an evil glint in his eye, causing me to chuckle at him a little.

"Should I be worried?" I asked him.

"Not you," He laughed. "But I do actually have an idea. It's gonna take a while, and it depends on a few different factors. Are you in?"

"You haven't told me what it is yet," I smiled.

"Can't tell you unless you commit bro," he retorted, attempting to run his hand through his hair that wasn't really long enough to warrant the action.

"Okay, I'm in," I grinned. "Now spill the beans. What's this plan?"


"Finally we get to play for the same team again," I grinned at Kyle, after we'd hugged each other tightly. "Wow, I missed playing with you."

"Been a while, init," he agreed. "I missed you too, baby girl. How's life been treating you?"

I sighed.

"Hectic," I stated. "It's a good thing though, I think. You?"

"I'm good," he smiled at me. "As far as football goes, I'm under a lot of pressure, the whole team, in fact - we've set ourselves such a high standard, it's hard to keep at that level, but I think it's a good thing too."

"Pressure's always good, as long as it's not too much," I agreed.

"Ay, you know me, I thrive under pressure," he smirked. "Hey, question," he lowered his voice. "Is it just me, or does Dele keep looking at you?"

"What?" I frowned. I had my back to Dele, so I didn't want to turn, and make it obvious we were talking about him. "Oh, he's probably talking about how he scared the living daylights out of me earlier. I know we're teammates and all now, but I really don't know how I'm gonna get on with him."

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