Chapter thirteen

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I don't think there was any way to be mentally prepared for the third derby of the year, but it wasn't like we had an option. At least this time, we were both in this together. But it would be, without doubt, the weirdest game I'd ever played in.

It was several months since Dele and I had gotten together, and in that time, a lot had happened. Including another international break, meaning we had to deal with our teammates teasing us pretty much 24/7. However, the majority of them didn't know we were together until the break, so we had the satisfaction of telling them it was old news. We still went to war in training, but we always made up with each other afterwards. Our teammates found it hilarious, especially Danny and Danny. Winks was in the squad this time round, which made everything worse, mainly because he had no problem telling everyone about how he had convinced Dele to talk to me. Winksy was a real character though, as I found out, and we got on really well when he wasn't trying to tease me.

But now, it was the last day of February, and we played Tottenham again on the 2nd of March.

"I don't like this at all," I sighed. I was at Dele's house a couple days before the game, and the two of us were... well, we were playing Fortnite. What else?

"It's going to be strange, that's for sure," said Dele. "Don't think it's gonna change how I play."

"Neither," I replied, smirking. "To be honest, I think I have more incentive than ever to beat you now."

"You didn't need any encouragement in the first place," he laughed. "Or maybe you did, after the last derby."

"Let's not talk about that, we were awful in that game," I sighed. "It's not like you guys stayed in the competition much longer anyway."

"Aw, you followed our progress? That's cute."

"I enjoy watching your demise," I smirked at him.

"We're going to win the champions league, where are you going? Sixth place?"

"You're going to lose the champions league, we're going to win Europa league!"

"Let me know how that goes for ya," he winked at me.

"I won't have to, you'll be watching."

"Yeah, in my tottenham kit," he grinned.

We focussed back on the game for a while, until Dele got shot in the back, and then eaten by the storm.

"You've left me," I sighed, battling on.

"I hate dying first," Dele sighed, putting his controller down. He moved closer to me, and wrapped both arms around my waist, lifting me up to sit in his lap.

"Hey! Watch it," I protested. "Do you want me to get killed?"

"Yeah go on, then we can start a new game," he grinned.

I ignored him, and continued to battle on. Dele began kissing my neck, and when I didn't stop him, he began whispering in my ear.


"What?" I mumbled, trying to focus on the game.

"I love you."

"I love you too Del," I smiled.

"But you love Fortnite more."

"You're not wrong," I laughed, attempting to push him away, but to no avail, and then suddenly my character on screen was getting shot at, and I was out of the game too.

"Dammit," I muttered. "Can't believe you, Del. I could have won that for us!"

"You finished eighth, there's no way," he rolled his eyes.

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