Chapter twelve

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"Girl are you still crying over Dele?"

I rolled my eyes at Sophie, who had spoken, and turned to face the French girl with a frown. We were in the locker room, last ones out as usual, but this time it wasn't even my fault.

"I am not 'crying,' as you so elegantly put it," I stated.

"You know what I mean," she responded, still looking in the mirror of her locker, attempting to braid her blonde hair before training. "Tami, I love you endlessly, but you need to let it go."

"I never understood why you went for him anyway, when Eric is right here and very obviously falling for you," said Mei.

"Okay," I sighed, "Well to be honest, I've been avoiding Dele since we came back from England camp and I don't think he's even noticed, because he's too hung up over Jordyn, so that ship has sailed."

"Has it though?" Mei frowned. "Maybe it left the dock, but seems like it hit the rocks and sank before it made it out of the harbour."

We giggled at her analogy.

"Ay, we got a laugh out of her," Sophie cheered, and she and Mei high fived. I couldn't help rolling my eyes at them again.

"Whatever happens with Dele, there's no way Eric likes me anyway," I said. "He'd definitely have told me before now."

"Girl you have rocks in your head I swear," said Sophie, swinging her locker shut with a bang, as she completed her braid. "Eric probably has no idea himself. But what about you?"

"Me?" I asked, in surprise.

"Yes, you!" Said Sophie. "You're the only single one here, aren't you?"

She was right. The two of them both managed long distance relationships with guys in their home countries of France and Japan.

"I don't know," I said, after giving the idea some brief thought. "I've never thought about Eric in that way."

"Well you better start," said Mei, glancing at Sophie. "We're setting you two up on a date."

"You're what?" I exclaimed, startled. "Hell no!"

"Um, hell yes!" Sophie retorted. "You're going, and that's final."

"You're gonna drag me there?"

"Kicking and screaming," Mei grinned. "Which isn't very attractive, by the way, I don't recommend it."

"You two don't have the mental capacity to think up this by yourself," I said. "Who's put you up to this?"

"I like that!" Sophie retorted, but once I'd gotten to the bottom of it, I found out that that was pretty much the case.

"Fine, it was Winksy, but we weren't supposed to tell you that!" Said Mei. "He'll kill us."

"You'll be fine, as long as I get my hands on him first," I stated, grimly. I finished tying my football boots, and stood up. "Mei are you done? You don't need perfect eyeliner for training, you nutcase."

"I always need perfection," the Japanese girl retorted. "It's my hobby. But yes, I am done."

I stalked out of the locker room with Sophie and Mei hot on my heels, and our boots clattered on the hard floors as we hurried along towards the open fields. I tugged the door open, and we hurried out to the training pitch. Poch hadn't arrived yet, thankfully, meaning I had a chance to murder Winksy beforehand.

"You!" I stormed up to him, grabbing him by the arm. He turned to look at me in obvious surprise, which was completely fake, because of course he knew why I was mad. I pulled him over away from the others, whilst they watched in amusement, having no idea what had happened. They probably thought he'd filled my locker with dirt or something.

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