
37 10 0

England, London


"Uncle Jack why am I always sick?"

I watch as my uncle Jack fiddles with some vials before filling a syringe up with something. Ever since I was a child I didn't think a month passed without me feeling sick, this kept me away from others well minus my dad and three uncles. Dad didn't want me to give the other kids whatever I had so I grew up quite isolated, but uncle Jack always had something in his medicine bag to make me feel slightly better.

"You have a rare condition Rose that makes you sicker than the other children. It happened after your accident that left your memory broken. I know it can get lonely at times but your dad has your best interests at heart, he loves you very much."

I smile at Jack and nod; he chuckles under his breath before ruffling my hair which he knew I hated. He joked it was one trait I got from my dad Alex; he too hated people touching his hair. I never use to like Jack, I guess he was always poking and prodding me with needles which made me scared of him but after ten years I matured and quickly got over my hate of all things pointy.

Across from my bed, Jack had put on the TV and the news came on, usually I hated watching the news but tonight the main news story caught my attention, so I turned the volume up as the news anchor shuffled some papers on the desk.

"It's coming up on the tenth anniversary of the abduction of Rosie Brookes from a park near her home in San Diego. She was six when she was snatched from a park in broad daylight, this year she'd be sixteen and her family had a sketch drawn of what she would look like today."

My eyes widen as the picture of the girl flashes up on the screen, it was like I was looking in a mirror. I sit up in bed causing Jack to drop the syringe and curse as he bends down to pick it up off the floor. I was six when I had an 'accident' that left me with memory gaps, the girl couldn't be me.

"Jack, why does that girl look like me? It can't be me, I grew up in England and my dad is Alex. But I was six when I had my accident and lost my memory."

"Calm down sweetie. Those sketches are never accurate; you've seen enough TV shows to know they make them vague to appeal to a wider audience."

Jack sits down on the bed and rubs circles on my back to calm me down but something in his voice and posture told me that there was something he wasn't telling me.

"You're right Jack; can I have my medicine now because I'm feeling sleepy?"

"You sure can little one. You might feel a small prick."

I flinch slightly as the needle enters my skin, and the clear liquid leaves the syringe. A wave of sleepiness overcomes me and I find myself yawning, Jack must have slipped something new into it to make me sleep easily.

"Goodnight Rose, sleep tight don't let the dead bite."

Jack kisses my forehead as I snuggle under my blankets. Sometimes they all treated me like I was still six when I was sixteen and practically a grown up. I wait until Jack leaves my room before opening my bedside drawer and unlatch the hidden compartment I'd made. Here I kept my diary which contained all my thoughts, questions, and scribbles. Because Jack's medicine had the slight tendency to mess with my head and I liked to remember things. I open a new page and scribble 'the missing girl on the news is me!' before putting the diary back in its hiding spot. Sleep overcame me quickly and I was knocked out in a matter of seconds.



America, San Diego

"Liam pass me the ball."

A young boy who I assumed was Liam laughs before kicking a football towards me. I miss the ball and it rolls past me into some bushes.

"No fair Liam, you always kick it too hard for me."

"Get the ball, Rosie, then we can continue playing."

I turn away from the grinning boy and walk into the bushes. I find the ball in the middle of an opening, but before I can pick it up four people wearing hoodies surround me. One pulls their hood down and I'm surprised to see it's uncle Jack.

He bends down in front of me and picks up the ball before handing it back to me, he seemed friendly.

"She could easily pass as Alex's kid."

Two more of the people pull down their hoods, revealing them to be my uncle Zack and Rian. What were they doing here?

The fourth person pulls down their hood and crouches down next to Jack, I was looking directly into the eyes of my dad Alex. He points over my shoulder to the opening in the bushes where I can see Liam waiting for me.

"Who is that boy sweetie?"

"That's Liam, at first I didn't like him, but his parents say when we're older we're going to be together. I like him, but boys have cooties." I smile before turning to face Alex.

"That's good because you're never going to see him again." Alex chuckles.

I feel a small prick in my neck, and then my eyes feel droopy.

"Jack, did you give her the right amount?"

I can't help but close my eyes and collapse, but before I can hit the floor Alex catches me cuddling me to his chest. I feel him lift me up and all I want to do is sleep.

"Let's go to your new home, sweetie."


I wake up in bed panting and shaking. My bedroom door flings open and Alex bursts into the room looking concerned.

"Are you okay sweetie? I heard you whimpering."

If what I saw was true then Alex had kidnapped me and wasn't my real dad. I needed to keep up the naive act if I wanted to get to the truth. I clutch the blankets covering me.

"I had a nightmare dad, do you think you could sleep with me?"

Alex nods and walks over to the bed, I pull back the covers and watch him climb in next to me. How could the person who'd raised me turn out to be a complete stranger? Alex lies down and I rest my head on his chest, he pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

"I'll talk to Jack about giving you something to stop the nightmares; he has a pill or liquid for everything Rose."

I tense at the thought of being fed more drugs. Before Alex can question me further about my nightmare I let out a yawn and snuggled against him.

"Thanks, dad you're the best."


I didn't want to push Rose on what her nightmare was about. Jack had told me about the news and how Rose panicked for a second before she said it couldn't be her because she was raised in England by me and then she calmed down and let Jack give her 'medicine'. Yes, Rose wasn't really my daughter, but I'd raised her for the last ten years so no matter what anyone said she would always be my daughter even if not by blood.

I stroke her arm until I hear light snores coming from her. I close my eyes and hold my baby girl close letting sleep overcome me.

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