Chapter Three

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"Dad you can't always stay in on a Friday night with me. Go out with the guys and have some fun."

Alex watches me from the space next to me on the sofa. He wanted to stay in with me while the guys wanted to go out drinking in town.

"See Alex, even your daughters telling you to have more fun."

Jack throws his arms in the air dramatically nearly smacking Rian in the face. Alex sighs before reluctantly getting up off the sofa.

"Will you be okay on your own Rose?"

I nod, in any other situation I'd find Alex sweet but I needed him out of the house tonight.

"I have like eight episodes of Supernatural to watch dad so I'll be fine. Now go and have fun like an adult should have."

"Fine but give your dad a hug first."

I do as I'm told and hug him, little did he know that this might be the last time he ever hugs me. He kisses my cheek before going to grab his jacket.

"See you later kid." Rian laughs and ruffles my hair.

"We'll keep an eye on your dad and make sure he doesn't have too much fun." Zack high-fives me.

"If your headache comes back Rose I left you a bottle of pills on the kitchen counter."

I internally roll my eyes at Jack, after tonight he'd no longer be able to pump me full of drugs to keep me docile and housebound.

"Thanks, Jack. Bye guys."

I wave and fake smile until I hear the front door close behind them, I then get up from the sofa and go to my perch and wait for Jack's car to pull out of the drive. I give them a further ten minutes before knowing for sure they weren't coming back to catch me in the act.

Running upstairs I rip open the letter with my DNA results which had come yesterday, but I was unable to open it because Alex stuck to me like glue. My eyes widen as I take in the information on the paper, Alex wasn't my biological dad, but that my real parents were Lewis and Amy Brookes of San Diego.

Going into Alex's room I grab his laptop and book the next available flight to San Diego which left in four hours. By the time Alex and the others got back drunk I'd already be up in the sky returning to my real home.

I decided to pack lightly; I didn't need any reminders of this life. But one picture on my bedside table caught my eye. It was taken on my seventh birthday and Alex let me have a princess themed party, and I was dressed like Belle from Beauty and the Beast because I was obsessed with the film. Alex dressed up like the Beast and was hugging me from behind, we looked like a loving father and daughter. Despite kidnapping me, Alex was the only dad I remembered so I decided to take the picture with me.


I had a gut feeling something was wrong back at the house so I stayed sober. Jack, Rian, and Zack were drunk and it was my job to get them back to my house so I could keep an eye on them for the rest of the night until morning.

The lights in the house were off so I assumed Rose had gone to bed since it was 2am. I dropped my three friends on the sofa and went upstairs to check on Rose to make sure the drunks downstairs hadn't woke her up. However Rose wasn't in her bed or anywhere upstairs, where was my daughter?

"Alex, we have a problem!" Jack yells up the stairs and I assume one of them had thrown up. I run downstairs to see Jack, Zack and Rian huddled around the coffee table looking at something.

"Rose isn't in her bed guys."

Zack looks up at me holding a letter above his head.

"Alex you'll want to read this. Rose is long gone."

I was confused, how did she go? Had someone taken her from the house? I take the letter off Zack and see another document attached with a paperclip. My heart stops beating for a second as I stare down at the DNA test in my hands stating I wasn't Rose's real dad, and that her biological family were the ones we kidnapped her from ten years ago.

"In the letter, it says she overheard us in the kitchen and she got suspicious. She's booked a one-way ticket to San Diego, she knows the semi-truth."

I felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest. Ten years I'd raised Rose, now she knew the truth and had run away. She was most likely scared and confused, and she probably hated me which I never wanted. Now Zack was telling me Rose was on a plane to San Diego.

"How do we get her back guys? She's walking into the world inhabited by supernatural creatures and knows nothing about her past because of the drugs."

"We can't just go to San Diego Alex; we don't know that she won't sell us out to the authorities. We kidnapped her after all. But maybe we can send another hunter to keep an eye on her and report back to us, someone she wouldn't suspect."

Rian made a valid point. Now who could we send to keep an eye on my daughter and the supernatural creatures that'd be after her? We needed someone we could easily manipulate and I knew the perfect candidate.


As the plane takes off I feel tiredness overcome me and decide to get some sleep because this was going to be a long flight.



"Lucas let's build a sandcastle."

A small Mexican boy runs over to me and climbs into the sand pit along with my best friend Liam.

"We're going to build the best sandcastle, Rosie."

Lucas and I start work on our masterpiece while Liam watches.

"Do you like cats or dogs Rosie? I like dogs."

It was quite an odd question but Liam was an odd boy. I stop building the sandcastle and tap my chin.

"I really like cats, Liam."

Liam pouts and I go back to helping Lucas pat sand into a second bucket to go alongside our first sandcastle.

"Dogs are better Rosie, you'll see one day."

Liam shouts before knocking down our sandcastle and runs away from the sand pit. Tears stream down my cheeks and I bury my face into Lucas's shoulder as he pats my back.

"It's okay Rosie we'll build another one together."


I wake up and find the lights on the plane dimmed and passengers around me asleep. I rub my eyes and try to piece together my flashback. Liam looked younger so this memory had to be from before I was kidnapped. And this time there was a second boy who I seemed to be friendly with called Lucas, I felt comfortable around him.

The passenger sleeping next to me had a tablet sticking out of their bag. Maybe I could look up Lucas and Liam. I didn't get to use much social media because Alex said it was full of bad people, but I knew Alex had a Facebook profile so that site would be my first stop.

It didn't take me too long to come across a page dedicated to the tenth anniversary of my abduction. Lucas Oak had left a comment 'I want my friend to come back' to which someone called Liam had replied 'She's gone and isn't coming back, Lucas'.

So Liam and Lucas weren't figments of my imagination, they were very much real. I'd have a lot on my plate when I eventually got back home. I slide the tablet back into the bag and try to get some more sleep.    

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