Chapter Nineteen

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By the time I make it back to the pack house where the rest of the pack had gathered after a successful fight which saw us all beat the hunters back, I was excited about Rose taking the bite earlier. She'd come back to town to fight and had chosen me over Kyle. I'd told everyone else who congratulated me and promised to make our new pack member and my future luna welcome and protected.

However stepping onto the porch of the house I don't see any lights on inside and the front door is hanging off its hinges. Panic fills my body and I run inside. I last left Rose and Ethan by the staircase but now they were nowhere in sight. There didn't seem to be any life inside this house. Had something happened to them?

"What's wrong Liam?"

Alan approaches me cautiously, slightly limping from being shot by a silver bullet in his right foot.

"I left Rose and Ethan here and now they're not here."

"There looks to have been some struggle, Liam."

I glance over at Will who had scoped out the lounge, only to see behind him that the room looked like it had been turned upside down. I curse my stupidity for leaving them alone and defenceless, I didn't think any harm would come to them.

"Err Liam we need to talk."

I turn around and the pack parts revealing a very sombre looking Lucas. He looked like he'd seen better days, his eyes worn out and bags heavy. I close the space between us sensing what he had to say was important.

"You can tell me in front of the whole pack."

Lucas sighs, "Jack shot Rose dead in the cemetery. Your bite didn't take in time Liam, and even Kyle feeding her his blood couldn't bring her back from death. I'm so sorry but she's gone, Liam. Her funeral will be in two days if you and the pack want to come and pay your last respects."

I couldn't quite comprehend what Lucas was telling me. It couldn't be true, my Rose couldn't be dead. My best friend couldn't be dead. Lucas steps forwards and pats me on the shoulder before turning and leaving the pack house, it must have taken him a lot of strength to come here and tell me the news.

Falling to my knees I feel like I want to cry but I can't quite bring my body to produce any tears over the rage I was feeling towards Jack who had taken my girl away from me forever. He would pay for the pain he'd caused everyone tonight.

"Liam, are we going to go to the funeral?" Alan shuffles forwards, dropping to his knees in front of me and places a cautious hand on my shoulder to try and comfort me.

I shake my head, "no we're not going. In fact, we're going to pack up everything and move somewhere else. We can't stay here anymore. Are you all in agreement with me as your alpha?"

Alan looks shocked for a split second before pack instincts kick in and he nods, "I'm with you Liam and I'm pretty sure the rest of the pack will continue to follow you wherever it may take us."



Today was Rose's funeral; it was a sad affair for everyone including her birth family who hadn't long gotten her back in their lives. Alex was here hiding off in the shadows of the trees not wanting to be seen, but still paying respects to Rose who he still considered his daughter at heart. Ethan and Lucas were holding each other, Lucas trying to console Ethan. But noticeably one person was absent; Liam was nowhere to be seen.

According to Lucas after he gave Liam the news of Rose's death it appeared the pack had moved on to another town. It was kind of sad that Liam didn't want to say goodbye to her, even though he had bitten her before the fight. Maybe his love for her wasn't as strong as he once thought it was. Or it was hard coming to terms with the fact his best friend was dead after he only recently got her back in his life.

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