Weapon Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I left the party about 20 minutes later, because there where so many people that I had to say goodbye to...another thing expected of me as a nice girl. As I was walking down the block to my car, I was grabbed and pulled into the bushes roughly. I instantly went into spy mode and attempted to pull away and turn around. But apparently there was more than one person, and they expected me to do this because as soon as I did I was grabbed by someone else and forced to the ground. Something metal and sharp was pressed into my neck, and I could feel a warm trickle of blood from where the pressure was. A knife. My eyes were blocked, so I couldn't see the people, but I could hear their voices, and I could recognize them. Two seniors from my school who were also in the C.P.A. They had just started a few months ago. I didn't work with them, but I knew who they were and had seen them around occasionally. What would they be doing, threatening me? Unless I had been found out, and the enemies where after me. And they were double spies...great. More of them.

So now, I was going into total panic mode. I tried to focus, and use the senses I had left to see what I could do to get myself out of this situation. It seemed pretty hopeless at that point, and I was just about ready to give up when I heard another, very drunk voice that I recognized.

"What are you doing to her?!" Gail screeched as he came crashing through the bushes. "What the hell Liam!" he screeched at one of them. So he knew them? I bet he even knew what they were planning to do. Maybe he just didn't know it was me because he was hitting on me before. But he knew now.

Liam got up from on top of me and ran to Gail with his knife raised. In the brief moment of confusion the other one had, I was able to get up and pull the knife that I always had strapped to my thigh. Within seconds, Liam was on the ground dead, and the other one was running away full speed. I heard a sharp gasp come from behind me, and turned to see who it was. Alana was standing there, staring at me with a horrified expression, making a small chocking sound in the back of her throat. She started to back away from me slowly.

"Omigod, Stevie, omigod, you just killed him, you just killed someone, omigod, you still have the knife, omigod WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!" she screeched at me.

"SHH!" I said in a whisper-scream. "Someone will hear you, and then I'll have even more explanations," I said as I clamped my hand over her mouth. She shrank away from me more, fear clearly showing in her eyes.

I heard another sound, and I remembered Gail. I turned around and found him sitting on the ground next to Liam shaking and sobbing without tears. Seeing him there reminded me of the problems that had now arisen. I had two terrified, confused people on my hands, both who had just seen me kill someone, and one who the person who got away saw. I knew I was in danger, but now, so was he. The other killer would go back to the enemies and tell them about me and tell them that now Gail knows something is going on. Both of us would need to be gotten rid of. And that was never a good thing.

Even with all the dangers ahead, the most imminent problem was the fact that both of them had just witnessed me murder someone, and they could easily make more problems for me. Problems like being put on trial for murder with at least two, maybe three, witnesses. I made a snap decision.

"Okay, both of you, come with me. I'll explain everything once we get somewhere more secluded.

I dragged them off to my car, quickly working through in my head what would be the best place to take them to explain. My 'mom and dad' were out on a mission tonight so the house should be empty...but if people were after me, shouldn't they know where I live? And they might be waiting for me. But at this point, nowhere was really safe, so it might be best if I took them home and packed stuff while I was there so I could run. Staying here any longer would be a serious life threat. And that is never good. But now that I'm thinking about it, it's dangerous for Gail as well because he saw the people who tried to threaten/off me. He actually knew one of them...Liam. I didn't even want to touch the idea that I might have just killed one of him friends, and right in front of him, no less. But because now he was in danger too, I just might have to take him with me wherever I ran. But at this point that was another thing that I did not want to think about.

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