Weapon Prolouge

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Stevie's POV

The sweat was pouring down my face into my eyes, and my constant movements freed my hair from its pony tail causing it to get into my eyes. I finally managed to get out my gun and pull the trigger, and it hit my target in the stomach. He stumbled towards me, with a look of disbelief on his face. I bet i knew what he was thinking. How the hell did this small girl manage to fight and shoot him? And now he was dying for under-estimating me. I smirked at him and wiped my brow. A look of pure rage crossed his face and in a last ditch effort to at least harm the girl who killed him, he raised his knife and brought it down towards my head. I easily dodged him, and spun to the left, smirking again. Idiot. Thinking he could harm me. As if. The idea is almost laughable.

He glares at me, but then gurgles and covers his mouth with his hands and coughs. He seems almost surprised to see blood on them. He looks up at me, and for the first time, fear registers on his face. His eyes roll up into the back of his head as he blacks out. I think I'll just leave him here. He'll be dead within the hour. No one will ever figure out it was me who killed me. I won't even be a suspect. Everyone falls for the sweet innocent act I put out to the world to protect myself. And I'm too beautiful to be called a liar. I turn around and head back to my house. But then something grabs me from behind. What the hell?!?!?! Before I have a chance to react, something connects with my head, and I feel a sharp pain. Something sticky leaks into my eye. Blood. How odd. I never bleed. I always make other people bleed. But I never do.

I realize that I am thinking strangely. And the world around me seems to be spinning. The around me lets go, and the heavy object comes down again, and I fall to the ground, blood dripping, and I lay down and die.

Cody's POV

I am so FUCKING MAD. That idiot little girl killed Abram. My best friend and partner. And in the middle of an important mission too. For fucks sake, what am I supposed to do now? And how the hell did she manage to kill him?? He was the strongest in our organization, and the fastest. How had someone so small have managed to kill him? She looked no more than 15, and in death she looked even younger. I couldn't leave her here like this for someone to find and immediately suspect murder. I ripped the bottom of my shirt and used it to wipe up her blood and pulled her soft black hair out of its pony tail and laced it around her head to cover u the wounds. If I didn't know better, I would think she was just sleeping. She looked so innocent just lying there, so much like my own little girl, that for a minute I felt sorrow and guilt, but then I glanced over at my dead best friend and remembered that she wasn't so innocent, she killed him. She screwed up what was probably the most important mission of the century. How the hell was I supposed to explain this to the boss? Shit. Fuck. Damn it! I moved her into a bush, grabbed Abram's feet and dragged him to my truck, where I grabbed the emergency clean up kit, got back out of the car and did my best job of cleaning up the blood from the ground. Then I tried to forget the girl and drove off back to the hideaway, trying to focus on the task at hand. I had a shit load of explaining to do.

Gail's POV

I was drunk off my ass. That much was for certain. But that's what happens when you drink 7... or was it 8? It might actually have been 9.... We, however many beers I had had, I was drunk. Me and a couple of my best mates where going around the neighborhood, fumbling around, drinking beer, making noise, and having a hell of a good time. Drew's girlfriend of 2 years had just broken up with him, and we were getting his mind off of her. By the way he was laughing, I was sure we had done a good job. We stumbled over into the old abandoned public school playground. We were looking for something fun to do, maybe destroy a couple things... who knew? Jake said something and I started to laugh so hard I fell over into a bush. I landed on something soft, and grabbed the first thing my hands found. When I managed to pull myself out of the bush, I pulled the object out with me. It was a girl. What was she doing in the bush? She looked like she was sleeping. Her long wavy black hair was falling around her face, and in this drunk state it appeared to be like a halo around her angelic face to me. Her small nose tilted upward slightly, with 4 or 5 freckles across it. She had pale skin, and her lips looked pale too, but it didn't really register in my mind. She looked like she was 15. Or maybe younger? Anyways, she was hot. And gorgeous. And he was a hormonal 16 year old.

"Hey, guys! Look who I found! Sleeping beauty!" I called out.

"Maybe you should kiss her, see if she wakes up," suggested Jake with a cheeky smile on his face.

I leaned over and gave her a big, sloppy, smackaroo type kiss on her lips, and we all looked at her expectantly. But she still lay there completely motionless.

"aw well, guess you're not her prince charming!" Drew laughed at me.

"Hey, I'm charming enough to be anyone's prince!" I yelled back, but grinning like the drunk fool I was.

Liam, one of my other friends was standing in the back of the group. He hadn't really been drinking much tonight. He seemed a little pale when he looked at the sleeping girl. " I think we should get outa here," he spoke up after a moments silence. "I got a bad feeling 'bout this."

"Aw, ruin are fun why don't you!" Jake said. But we listened to him, and ambled on out of the playground. But I turned around for one last look at the girl, feeling that something wasn't quite right.

"Man," I said to myself, "you're being such a pussy! Just forget her already!" so I followed after my friends, passing Liam. But something about him haunted me. He had a small smirk on his face, and it just didn't feel right.





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