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The four of us walked through the woods. Not really knowing where to go. "So where exactly do we go?" Danielle asked. "I don't yet. Right now we just need to find our way out." Wilma said. We kept on walking until I saw a clearing up ahead. Jasmine was having the time of her life. "Girls look! That looks like a open field over there and maybe some buildings in the distance." I said. I grabbed my sisters hand and put my hand on Wilma's back. "Can I hold hands too?" Jasmine asked excitedly. "Yes sweetheart. Hold my hand." Wilma says. Jasmine squealed and grabbed on to her mothers hand.

When we made it out we stopped in our tracks. There was a bunch of men in uniform and trucks surrounding them. 'FBI' is what was on the side of the trucks. Two of the fbi men came up to me. Jasmine jumped. She ran over and hugged me along with Danielle. "Hello ladies." One of them said as they stopped in front of us. "We didn't do anything." I said and moved in front of Wilma protectively. "Your not in trouble. But we need you to come with us. We'll explain on the way." The our guy said.

"Mah boy I don't know you. We're not going anywhere with you." I said and glared at him. "Easy tiger." Wilma said from behind me. "We're going with them." She said. "But-" I tried but she cut me off. "We have nowhere to go anyways. We might as well go with them." She told me. I groaned but didn't even try to argue with her. "Follow us please. Oh and my names Jacob." He said. Jacob grabbed Wilma's hand and lead her to the back of a truck. The other guy tried to grab Jasmine's hand but she flinched and held on to me tighter.

"Don't touch them or there's going to be a problem." I growled at him. His eyes widened and he backed off. "Oh um o-ok. F-follow me." He said stuttering. As we got in the back of the truck I saw this big hole in the distance. "What's that?" I asked. "That's where the house was you all used to live in." Jacob said. "Wait. How did you know that?" I asked.

"I do work for the fbi. Besides that's what I'm going to talk to you all about." He said. I nodded and got in the truck after one last glance at the spot the house one stood.


As we rode down the road James began to speak. "The Kealton house is what we like to call it." He started. I flinched at the name. "We've kept track on the house ever since the third person died in the house. The first time they thought it was a coincidence and the other times we didn't have any evidence to arrest him. He was good at covering his tracks and made us believe it was this out there." Jacob said.

"At times the house came up messing. Like it was never there. Only the dirt it was on. Then whoever died in the house would mysteriously come back to life and come out that same woods you all came out of. But only with the help of the next person that moved in that was brave enough." He said.

"Ok but how is this possible?" Danielle asked him. "I'm glad you asked. We also wondered that. So we did some research. Have you ever seen the movie Pet Sematary?" He asked. Everyone except Jasmine nodded. "So it's basically like that. The house was built on sacred land. Which caused y'all to be trapped in the house and come back to life. Only you don't come back evil." He explained to us. "And does the world know about this?" I asked. "No. Because we don't need everyone trying to bring a loved one back. That's also why we got you. But I'll explain more when we get there." He said.

A/n~ sorry for the wait. I've either been busy or not feelings well.


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