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A few months later the girls came to visit us again. Of course they had to work and so did I. I got a better job that pays more. But I still work at the cafe for a little extra money. Right now we all are in a van. Except Wilma and Jasmine. Jasmine was sick. Jacob is with Wilma to help her out tho.

"So where are we going?" I asked from the middle seat

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"So where are we going?" I asked from the middle seat. Danielle was to my left. Lauren on my right. Normani was driving with ally in the passenger seat. While Dinah and Camila where in the back. "We are going to a carnival that a friend told me about. I got us all tickets for it." Normani told me. "Sounds fun." I mumbled. "Do you think they'll have like apple bobbing? Or even a petting zoo?" Dani asked excitedly. "They do actually. There's a lot of activities to do." Normani told her and began telling her the different things that were there.

Eventually we arrived and was walking around. They had body guards with them but they were a good distance away from us. "Let's do the ballon and dart game." Dinah said. They agreed and went to play. "Your not playing?" Lauren asked. I shook my head. "Not this. What about you?" I asked. "Same. I'm not good at that game. I'd rather play something else. Plus I really want to animals." She told me. "I want to do whack a mole. I like that one cause I can hit things on purpose." I told her.

"I'm not surprised." After they were done we moved in to the milk bottles. Dani was trying to knocked the bottles down each time. But let's be honest her aim was horrific. She pouted and looked at me. "Can you help me Y/n/n? I really want that bear. "Of course Dani. I'll get you that bear." I reached in my pocket and handed the guy a dollar. On the first throw I knocked down all the bottles. "Yes! Thank you Y/n!" Dani said and kissed my cheek.

"I knew you were a softy. Big baby." Dinah teases and pinched my cheeks hard. "Alright damn girl. You trying to peel my skin off." I said pushing her hands away. She just laughed and walked off. "That was sweet of you to do that for her." Camila told me as we followed the others. "I'd do anything to keep her happy. She's all I've got besides Wilma and Jasmine." I said. Her and Lauren awed. "Your so cute. I would love to have a older sister like you." Camila said.


After we ate we went to see the animals. "So are you having fun?" Lauren asked. I looked away from Dani who was riding a pony. "I guess." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "You guess?" She asked with a small smirk. "Ok I'm having fun. Even if I didn't do much I enjoyed seeing Dani have so much. This is probably the most fun we had in a while." I told her. "Well we all should do something fun at least once a month." She said before looping her arm with mine and playing with my fingers mindlessly. "We should. Next time Jasmine can come too. She was upset she couldn't." I said. "You got yourself a deal."

A/n~ AlphaWolf_chicago thanks for helping me out with an idea.


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