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"Well how about you tell us how these dreams first started." Ally suggested. "Well it started with the house we moved from. We were just moving in. But later into the dream weird things started to happen." I said. "Weird shit started to happen." Dinah mumbled as she wrote it on the board. "What's some of the weird things that happened?" Camila asked. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what I saw in my dream. Then a blurry image popped up in my head.

"Pictures. There was pictures being hung by a girl." I said. "What did she look like?" Dinah asked. "I don't know. Her back is towards but I do see water. It's pouring down her body as if someone is pouring it on her. Her clothes are also ripped and she has stab wounds everywhere. Oh! And a rope around her neck." I explained. I opened my eyes and I saw all the girls staring at me. "What?" I asked. "What type of fucked up dreams are you having?" Normani asked.

"I don't know. That is why we are doing this." I said sarcastically. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Lauren we'll have to continue this later. If you don't leave now you're going to be late to the studio." I got up and ran up stares to get my things.


As I finished putting on my pajamas I heard this weird noice. So I opened my room door to see if it was coming from one of the girls. But it was quiet and dark. I shrugged and closed the door. As I walked back to my bed the noise started again. It was this weird vibration noise. But this time a bright blue line showed up and started to grow around me. "What the fuck!" I ran to open the door but it vanished. The light got too bright that I had to cover my eyes.

"Help! Dinah! Ally!" I called out. After a few minutes I peeked from behind my hands. My eyes widened as I saw the house we moved from in front of me. I stood up and looked around me. There was nothing else around me but the house. "What the fuck is happening right now?" I asked even though no one  was here with me. I hope... "I guess I'm going inside. I'm not staying out here in the dark alone." I whispered. I quickly walked to the house and knocked on the door.

It creaked open making me jump. "Hello?" I called out. I slowly stepped inside and looked around. I heard the floor creak beside me. My head snapped in the direction of the stairs and I saw a tall girl walking up it. I was about to say something but I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back and saw the young girl from my dream staring at the wall. She slowly looked at me as her neck cracked. Her body not moving with it. She opens her mouth and water pours out but I could hear her speak. Her voice getting louder and louder. Her body lunging at as she screeches. "FIND ME!" I fell back on the ground and covered my face with my arms. "NO!"

"NOO!!" I screamed. "Lauren it's just a dream!" My eyes shot open as I saw Dinah above me. The other girls surrounded us with a scared expression on their face. I started crying and they all pulled me into a hug. "Was it the same dream?" Dinah asked. I shook my head. "It was a different one."

A/n~ for those of you wondering the girls and you basically loss your memory of each other. You remember the house but each other and the events that occurred in the house. Lauren is the only one who remembers glimpse of it but it's blurry to her. But they will soon remember.


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