Entry 1: today it starts

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dear journal,

today i start my first day at the all girls school. i'm excited. when we took the tour everything was so fun they had spiny chairs and tables that are actually white boards so you could take notes on them and the teachers seemed nice. though for the time being we have to share half the school with regular school kids. but slowly we will take over the school. which is kinda mean to be honest but whatever. i can't wait to prove my academic abilities. and who knows maybe i'll actually be popular at this school! i can't wait! one thing that scares me though is that i have to take the bus.i mean its dangerous with the lack of seat belts!  but cassy will sit with me everyday. i just hope they can tell  the difference between us! being twins and all. well journal its time to go. ill write in you later

to my beginning 

                                                                                       ~Jamie magil

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