Chapter Six

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P.S - TRIGGER WARNING!!         

                            *Jerome's P.O.V.*

    He did not remember me? All the good times we had growing up together and recording together, just gone like dust in the wind? Right there, my heart broke into a million pieces. My love, my one true love, did not even have the slightest memory of me.

    "It-it's me, your biggums. You're Mitch and I'm Jerome, the Bajan Canadian and ASFJerome, the fantastic Benja and Bacca duo," I said, trying desperately to see if saying any of these things would jog his memory. But, all he did was shrug. "I'm sorry, you just don't ring a bell. You seem like a nice guy, though," he said, sounding sincerely sorry. I sadly looked down and walked out of the room without another word. I walked back down the long hallway that led to Mitch's room, back through the waiting area, and into the parking lot outside. The clouds had parted and the sun was out, casting its bright rays of light everywhere. But, on the inside, my heart was covered by thick clouds. I was truly sad to my core.

    I had loved him, and now, I may never know if he loved me as well.

    Without knowing it, I ran into someone. "Sorry," I mumbled. "What's wrong, Jerome? is Mitch okay?" I heard Ryan's familiar voice ask. I looked up into Ryan's comforting eyes. He could clearly see the sadness in my eyes because he then embraced me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back. I started to cry into his shoulder. Between sobs, I managed to say, "He doesn't remember me, or any of us."

    For a good amount of time, I stood there in Ryan's arms. After that, he took me back to the Team Crafted house. We entered the house and he led me past the others, to my room to rest. He left me alone and I took my head phones, plugging them into my phone. I begun to play all the slow songs I had as I began to write in my little journal. Once I was done, I lay down and fell asleep to Say Something.

                              *Mitch's P.O.V.*

    Once this man named "Jerome" left in silence, I looked further into my brain to see if I really did know him. Everywhere I looked, the memories seemed to be locked up. It's like they were there, but I couldn't see them. So, without a choice, I went to the memories that I did have of my past.

    I came back to the Hunger Games I was in before. I fast forward through it until I heard myself say, "Biggums, I'm coming to save you!" That word, the same one the man said. Biggums. My character ran through this huge city with towering skyscrapers and jets flying high in the sky. Finally, I came across a group of three people, one of which had the username ASFJerome. Now there was that name. Had I really known that man before?

    In my memory, I distracted the two other guys and lead them away from ASFJerome so he could regen. Once he had full health again, he helped me kill the other two. "Don't mess with the Benja and Bacca duo!" I said victoriously. And now that. Now, I started to remember all of those nicknames. The problem was that I didn't remember Jerome himself, only his Minecraft character. I could you anything about what his character looked like, but nothing about his personality, his likes, his dislikes, nothing. i felt bad for him, considering the way he acted when I told him I didn't know who he was. I rubbed the back of my head, wondering what could have caused me to lose all of my memory.

    Then, a man wearing a doctor's coat and Sammy came in. The man, whom I can assume is my doctor, grabbed the clipboard from the edge of my bed and put on a pair of glasses that hung from his neck. "Mr. Mitchell Hughes, you seem to have a bad concussion that has given you amnesia and a small fracture on one of your ribs, I see," he said without looking up from the clipboard. i shrugged and said, "I've gained a few memories back, but not very important ones." Truthfully, they were pretty important since they helped me slightly remember Jerome.

    "Well, I believe that whoever you are staying with will help you with your lost memories and the fracture should heal in about two to three weeks," the doctor said. He then turned to the nurse and said, "Please go check Mitchell Hughes out." She nodded her head and quietly left the room. The doctor looked back at me and said, "I believe the contacts on your phone will help us."

    "Uh, sir? Can you tell me how I lost my memory?" I asked the kind man. He looked back at the clipboard in his hands, his eyes quickly scanning the information for an answer to my question. "It looks like you slipped and hit your head on some stairs," the doctor soon replied, "You said you had gained a few memories. Does one include someone close to you?"

    I nodded my head and he handed me a phone. It was mine, I could tell by the red and black checkerboard case and 'In Benja We Trust' lock screen. Luckily, I did remember what my password was. 9663; it spelled woof. I'm not entirely sure why it was my password, but it was. I looked through my contacts, and saw the name Jerome. That had to be the man that came and saw me. I clicked the call button and shooed the doctor out of the room. Now, I waited for him to pick up.

                    *Jerome's P.O.V.*

    I awoke after my short nap to a skrillex song blasting in my ears. I sighed, pausing the song and remembering what had happened to Mitch. I slipped my head phones off and got out of bed. I slowly walked into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy because of how much I crying before. I opened a drawer and saw the razor I kept in there. I picked it up, spinning it around in my hand and watched the sharp blade shine when the light hit it perfectly.

    Then, without warning, I slit my wrist, quickly pulling the blade through my skin. The cut stung, but it was tiny compared to other times I've cut. I started to cry silently, cutting my skin another time. I said quietly under my breath, "You might not remember me, but I love you, Mitch. I only wish you knew how much." This was the first time I was cutting since a good friend of mine from high school committed suicide. Mitch had helped me stop and that was one of the many reasons I loved him as much as I do.

    I heard a knock on my door and I scrambled to fix the mess I had made. I didn't hear my door open because I was so focused. The next thing I knew, someone said, "Oh, Jerome. Why, why would you do this?" I looked at who stood in the doorway and saw Ty. We were both quite close, considering I helped him with his cutting problem. He also was the only one who knew that I had a crush on Mitch. I was the only one that he told that he liked Adam. So, we were both close.

    He walked up to me and turned my wrists over so he could see my cuts. I looked away from him, still holding back tears. "Mitch doesn't remember me," I said, leaning my head on his chest as I began to cry again. He wrapped his arms around me and tried his best to quiet me down. It eventually worked, after about ten minutes. I was so tired, I almost fell asleep right there, in Ty's arms. Then, I heard my phone go off from my bedroom. Ty let me go over there to answer the incoming call. When I saw who it was that was calling me, my heart nearly stopped.

    It was Mitch!    

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