Chapter Two

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                             *Mitch's P.O.V.*

    Well, this is awkward. Jerome was holding me in his arms and our gaze was locked. Actually, from this angle, his brown eyes were kind of pretty. No, stop thinking like that, Mitch! You have a boyfriend!

    Jerome broke the gaze, slightly blushing while he looked away. I felt myself blush as well, but I said, "Thanks biggums. You have nice reflexes." He helped me back up and said, "It's my bacca instincts, Mitch. They're crazy fast." At that moment, I think that the awkwardness between us had faded. Then, Ian fake coughed while saying, "Merome!" I felt myself blush again as I looked down. They laughed and continued on with their food. I grabbed a plate and opened the box that had Jerome and I's pizza in it. I took two slices and walked back over to the couch. I sat down next to Ryan, who had turned on the TV. I ate my pizza in silence, noticing that Jerome was doing the same.

    I couldn't help but think about had just happened. Jerome's eyes, they had been filled with love and a little shyness. Did I like him? No, I couldn't. I have Rob and I love him. That was that. But, I couldn't help but slightly doubt my choice.

    Suddenly, I felt a vibrating sensation. This scared me a little, causing me to jump a little and earning a weird look from Ryan. I gave him a smile as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I saw that I had a new message, and it was from Rob. I clicked a few things, and then came to his text.

Rob - I'm almost there, babe. Just a few more minutes.

    I smiled at the screen, loving him for calling my babe. I quickly texted back.

Mitch - K honey. Be careful. I love you <3

    I sent him the text, feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside. He loved it when I sent him the little heart emoji. His next text came a few seconds later.

Rob - Got it. Love you too. xoxo

    I put my phone back in my pocket and ate the rest of my pizza. I threw the paper plate away. I went to my room, which was next to Jerome's on the top floor. Closing the door softly behind me, I walked over to my computer. I went onto Twitter and saw a lot of messages asking the same thing: are you and Woofless in a relationship? I sat in the silence for a second, thinking about my response. Finally, I started to type my answer.

    'Yes, me and Rob, A.K.A Woofless, are dating at the time. And, for any further questions, I am gay. I am not afraid to say this to the millions of fans out there, or the haters. If you're going to make fun of me, go ahead. It won't hurt me one bit. Rob and I love each other and that's all that matters. Much love, Benja.'

    I reread what I wrote again and posted it. I almost immediately got feedback, some good, some bad. I let the comment roll in and went to my YouTube channel. I checked out my latest Hunger Games that I had uploaded, which I had dominated, like always. It had a good amount of views and a little over 15,000 likes. And average video for the Benja.

    Then, two hands covered my eyes and someone rested their chin on top of my head. "Guess who?" they asked in a high-pitched voice. "Really, Rob?" I said, turning my head to look up at him. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. He pulled my chair back and sat in my lap. He put his arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I gave him a little kiss on the lips. His smile widened, making me laugh a little. "Do you want to join Jerome, Ryan, and me in a battle arena?" I asked him, holding him close to me.

    "Sure, I don't see why not. In fact have my laptop with me right now! Let me go get it out of my car real quickly," he said jumping out of my lap and running out of the room. I watched him go and tuned back to my computer. Being the one that always sets this stuff up, I already started to create a dome for us to play in. After three minutes, I had everything ready for the game. That's when Rob came into my room, panting like a dog. "You okay there? It looks like you just ran a marathon," I said, standing up to walk over to him. But, before I could take a step towards him, he dropped his computer bag on the ground and just fell into my arms. I picked him up bridal style and looked into his brown eyes. "Let's go tell the others we're ready," he said, pointing towards the door. At this time, I was glad that I was pretty strong.

    I left my room and attempted to walk down the stairs. Somehow, I didn't trip and fall flat on my face, which was a miracle in its self. Once I made it onto the first floor and into the living room, I let Rob fall softly onto the couch. "Thanks, babe," he said, sitting up straight.

    "You guys ready for the game?" I asked Jerome and Ryan. Jerome shrugged and Ryan exclaimed, "Let's do this thing!" Ryan went to his room on the first floor  and Jerome, Rob, and I climbed up the stairs.  Jerome went into his room while Rob followed me into mine. After about 15 minutes, we had everything set up and ready to go. And, with that, we all pressed the record button and started the video.


Hello all my shining stars!

Okay, so a lot of you seem to like this book, and I do to. So, I'm going to start updating it on Fridays and Tuesdays! I hope you like my decision!

I love you all and don't forget to shine my little stars! Galaxy out!       


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