Chapter Sixteen

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                           *Jerome's P.O.V.*

    My eyes fluttered open to reveal Mitch still sound asleep. He softly snored, making me giggle. His eyes opened and he gave me his lopsided grin. It made me melt inside, like usual, but this time I said, "I love that grin of yours." That comment made his smile widen and blush a little. I matched it with my own smile.

    "So, you want to get up?" he asked me, tilting my head upwards so he cold see my face better. I shrugged and he started to get out of bed. I quickly grabbed his wrist and he faced me. I pulled him closer and kissed him. He pulled away a minute later and smiled at me. "I love you," I said to him.

    "I love you too," he said as I let go of his wrist. He stood back to full height and walked to his closet. He put on a white shirt and his red and black checkerboard hoodie as well as a pair of dark blue pants. He glanced back at me and asked, "You still have your bacca hat?" I sat up in bed and asked back, "Who would I be without my bacca hat?" He smiled and said, "A man without a bacca hat. I have an idea for a cute little vlog, and you're going to need your hat." I nodded my head and jumped out of bed. I gave him a quick little hug before running into my room and closing the door behind me. I changed into a different outfit and grabbed my bacca hat that I highly prized. I remember that a fan by the name of Megan gave it to me at Pax East last year.

    I then ran back to Mitch's room and he told me the plan for the vlog. After he was done, I walked outside his room and waited for my cue.

                           *Mitch's P.O.V.*

    I started my recording and smiled at my webcam. I began, "Hey doods, Mitch or Bajan Canadian here and I thought that I would do a little vlog for you guys. First up, I'm sorry about the lack of videos lately; I've been very busy the past few days. I lost my memory, then regained it, and next broke up with my now ex-boyfriend, Rob. But, I have a bit more exciting news." The next thing I knew, Jerome had run into my room and leaped onto my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey everybody!" he said, waving at the camera. I chuckled and continued, "Well, if you couldn't tell, Jerome and I are going out now! So, all of you Merome shippers get the feels or fangirl or whatever. But, anyway, that's really it, so I'll see you doods next time. Bye!" Jerome and I waved at the camera and just before I ended the recording, we kissed. I stopped the recording and looked over at Jerome. We both got lost in each other's eyes and were shaken back to reality when we heard a knock on my door. We both looked at the door as it opened to reveal Ryan. He smiled at the scene before him and asked us, "So, do you two love birds want to record a video together?"

    Jerome and I exchanged a glance, the same thought running through both of our minds. I answered, "I think Jerome and I will do a Hunger Games today, if that's okay." Ryan's smile widened, seeing what we really wanted, which was to be alone together. "I understand. Well, I think I'll cook something for breakfast. See you two later," he said, disappearing into the hallway. I looked back at Jerome, seeing his head resting on my shoulder. He eyes were closed, but I could tell he wasn't asleep.

    "Biggums," I whispered, gaining his attention. He looked at me and I said quietly, "Let's get some breakfast downstairs." He nodded his head and got up. I stood up after him, intertwining his hand in mine. I glanced over and saw him smiling from ear to ear. I grinned as we both walked out of my room, down the stairs, and into the living room. Ian and Jason were sitting on the couch watching TV while Ryan was cooking in the kitchen. Ian turned around to look at us, Jason following suit. They both smiled and Ian said, "Look which two love birds finally got up." I guided Jerome over to one of the chairs and we both sat down, Jerome sitting on my lap. "So, how was the little date last night?" Jason asked.

    "Great, and, thanks for the help guys," I responded as Ryan walked into the room with five plates lining his arms. Quite frankly, we were all impressed by this sight. "No problem. We really wanted to see you two together," Ryan said placing four plates on the coffee table. On the plates, there were scrambled eggs and little pancakes covered in syrup. Jerome leaned forward, grabbing two plates and two forks while Ian and Jason got one of each. "Thanks, Ryan," Jerome said, leaning back. Ryan nodded his head in thanks, his mouth too full to speak. Jerome handed me my plate and fork and dug in. I ate a bit more slowly, enjoying the flavor. This caused me to finish eating a few minutes after him. Whenever we were both done, Jerome stood up so I could get up as well. "We're going to record a Hunger Games now," I said, grabbing Jerome's hand and pulling him behind me.

    "Don't get too intimate!" Ian called as Jerome and I walked up the stairs. We both smiled at his comment as we entered my room. Jerome quickly ran into his room, got his laptop and recording gear, and came back into my room.

    Once we were ready to go, we got into a Hunger Games match and hit the record button.

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