2- Conditional Happiness pt. 2

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Bones gave him a regretful glance through the sides of his wide, blue eyes. "You have to tell him." Jim opened his mouth in protest but before any words could be expressed, the doctor continued. "Even if he slams the door in your face. I can tell that this is long overdue."

"But our friendship—"

"Won't last if you have to hide how you feel."

There was an eerie silence as Jim realized what he had to do. "Yeah... what's the worst that could happen? He says 'oh I'm sorry, I don't swing that way,'?" He remarked to himself with a nervous chuckle. Privately, he could imagine a thousand worse worst case scenarios.

"You'll be fine." Bones said, matter-of-factly, changing the destination in the self-driving car. He punched in Emily's address. Spock had given it to them when he notified his superior officer where he be.

"I'm not ready. I need more time." Jim fretted.

"You're probably already too late."


Jim and Bones pulled up into the woman's driveway. It was a long paved entrance road, paved with plain-colored flowers. The house itself was covered with dark-green ivy, twisting up the two visible stories.

Jim estimated 7 bedrooms. His stomach flipped at the sight of what was undeniably a mansion.

"Relax, Jim-boy. This chicks house has nothin on your Enterprise. Now get out there. I'll be watching to make sure you go through with it."

"Fine." He went up the steep stone-brick, porch steps. He shot a bitter look back at his friend who met it with the double thumbs up. He held his knuckles up to the double, stained glass doors. He hesitated a brief moment before knocking.

Emily swing open the door with her trademark smile. "Hello, James."

"Hey, Emily." He put his hands in his pockets. God, maybe I was a jackass. She didn't do anything. "Can I speak to Spock?"

Spock approached the doorway. He tilted his head. "Captain? What are you doing here?" He was wearing a loose brown shirt and black sweat pants. Jim had never seen him in such casual dress and dread filled his chest as he wondered what he was interrupting.

"I need to talk to you."

"I believe you already have."

"Come on, Spock!"

"Is that an order?"

"I want to talk to my friend. Not my subordinate."

Spock froze for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, Captain."

What did I just say?

He closed the door behind him. "Speak."

"I'm sorry for being a douche at dinner."

"You're apologizing to the wrong person." He sighed.

"I wanted to tell you why I did it... I was jealous."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow.

Jim could feel his friend's curiosity spark. He took a deep breath. "I know you don't feel the same way, and this is like the worst time for me to say this, and it's unfair to Emily. It's unfair to you! But I love you. And not just like a friend. I am in love with you. I was so afraid to tell you."

Spock's face had remained stoic throughout the Captain's revelation. After the blonde had stopped talking, he remained silent. Jim began to wonder if he had even heard him. Well, he is standing right there.

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