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A/N: Hey guys! So, it's time to finally meet your team! This will be you meeting them and then doing some team stuff, as well as training a bit with Revan towards the end.

Yami: So, you've got a plan for these guys, right?

A/N: Yeah, something like that.

Yami: A/N...

A/N: Ok, fine. I intend to make them loyal to your cause, then have them follow you no matter your decision by the end of the story. Credit to texasaidanj for the team OC's. Enjoy!


Y/N: Team RPLC, huh?

I was now walking to my dorm room where I would be meeting my new teammates. Ozpin said they were a specialty case here at Beacon and that they would no doubt follow my leadership. However, I still have my doubts. There's never a person who doesn't like to go against the leader. I got to the dorm, checking once again it was the room before using my scroll to unlock it, opening the door to show a room full of three guys getting out of some armour.

???: Oh, hey! Look who it is!

???: Are you the guy Ozpin told us about?

Y/N: I guess so. My name's Y/N.

???: Sweet! It is the guy! Nice to meet ya!

Y/N: Nice to meet you too.

Lars: Name's Lars

Percy: Percy.

Connor: My name is Connor! I'm the android sent by Cyber-Life!

Y/N: Huh?

Lars: Don't mind him. He's an idiot.

Connor: Hey!

Y/N: Well, it's nice to meet all of you. By the way, nice armour.

Lars: Thanks. We've been working together for a while now. The armour is a gift we got from General Ironwood over in Atlas a few years back.

I observed their armour, taking note of the similar design across each of them. The only thing that stuck out was their helmets being slightly different and the colour of each armour pattern. There was also the very noticeable fact of their faces looking very alike. Connor's head was the only one that seemed normal of the three, as he had simple brown hair. However, he did have two red slash marks going over his left eye.

Connor's armour was white like the other two with blue markings on it. He was cleaning a sniper and had a helmet with a sharper design, having a more narrow visor than the others. Lars had green hair that was spiked up. His armour had brown, orange markings and his helmet was a bit more rounded than Connor's, having the same pattern with the coloured streak going along the sides and over the eyes. He was checking his weapons which were a pistol and what looks like a carbine rifle. Finally, Percy was bald, having a large scar going over the left side of his face. He had a fair bit of scruff on his face, and his armour had red markings and his helmet, while having the same pattern, was larger and appeared bulkier.

Their helmets were also very interesting. While their armour was almost identical to each other, their helmets were each very unique. Lars had a basic design for his helmet with a black T visor on it. On the left side of the helmet was a rook chess piece. On the right was an Atlas logo.

 On the right was an Atlas logo

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Anger, Hate and Suffering (Neglected and Abused Sith Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now