Chapter 1

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"Thank the gods you're back!" shouted Chiron as he approached us at the peek of half-blood hill. I watched as he slowly cantered towards us, his horse hide gleaming in the now setting sun. I looked around at the wreckage that was camp half-blood. On our way back we received an Iris message from Rachel, our Oracle that the Roman Legions had attacked Camp, killing 24 campers and wounding another dozen or so. Percy was especially devastated by the news that his newfound friends had decided to destroy his only real home. When he heard the news I searched his face for any signs of distrust or outrage towards the Romans. Nothing but a small glint of sadness in his swirling, green orbs.

I knew he still trusted them,that he thought there was some mistake or misinterpretation involved and I could see the truth etched upon Percy's tan face. He was still loyal to those traitors. It was expected, it's his fatal flaw. Chiron greeted each of us individually, starting with Annabeth and ending with me, Nico Di Angelo. We hugged awkwardly and exchanged meek greeting. "I'm glad to see you've returned, son of Hades", Chiron said to me. "I'm glad as well sir", I replied politely. I was never really fond of Chiron and this small conversation was making me very uncomfortable. I couldn't wait until I was allowed to return to the underworld and reunite with my father. I don't belong at Camp Half-Blood. "Well," Chiron clapped his hands together to get our attention, "Lets head down to the big house, I've got a little something planned." We all followed him towards a nearly dilapidated two story house where the Oracle, Rachel Dare resides.

From my perspective, I could just make out a large banner waving from the chimney of the house, I sped up so that I could better make out what the sign said. It was written in ancient greek, a language I've been fluent in seen birth and it read, 'Congrats! You're not dead!' My first thought was, well that cheers me up after I've spent three months going from hotel to hotel trying to get back here from Europe when I could have just shadow traveled here and left all the dead weight behind. Trust me, I thought about it all the time, especially when I had to suffer while Percy and Annabeth were all lovey- dovey and shit. It got kinda of annoying. Thank the gods I had a separate hotel room. Once we make it to the front porch of the Big House, Grover, Tyson, Juniper, and Mellie (Coach Hedge's girlfriend) jump out from their hiding places wearing cliche party hats and blowing on fifty cent party horns. Grover looks alot more mature since the last time I saw him. His horns are longer, at least six inches now, and he has managed to grow a scuffy beard. I had heard that he now possessed the nature god, Pan's powers and now that I'm looking at him I can see the power radiating of his now less frail frame.Tyson, Percy's half-brother and the friendly cyclop still looks as big and menacing as ever. I watch as he envelops Percy in a bone-crushing hug then moved on the Annabeth.

Tyson is outgoing and doesn't judge or discriminate so it doesn't suprise me when I see him moving down the line of returning campers, giving each of them a hug individually. I stared at him, entranced by his friendliness, so much that I'm not aware of anything else until two strong arms engulf me in a large bear-hug. I quickly found myself gasping for breath. "Tyson....can't.....breath," I managed feebly. His death grip loosened instantaneously. As soon as I was free I took a deep breath filling my lungs with oxygen and quickly putting on my passive facade. "Hey Nico!" Tyson shouted pulling me in for a quick one-armed hug and slightly ruffling my hair."I missed you." he said happily.That's when I allowed a small smile to play on my lips. I didn't think anyone even noticed me drifting through from now and then, let alone missing me. It felt pretty good. I allowed the smile to linger while I stared at the ground and repositioned the pieces of my hair that had been attacked by Tyson's calloused hands. I looked up when I sensed a pair of eyes on the back of my head. I turned around to lock eyes with Percy. I was instantly under a spell, captivated by his swirling green eyes. I know I shouldn't feel like this, I shouldn't gawk at his handsome features or drool over his chiseled body, But I do. I can't change it and I don't like to dwell on things that can't be changed. I quickly regained my composure and looked away, choosing to focus my attention on Chiron who was gathering up all the campers and instucting one of Leo's half-brothers to get a campfire started. I watched as he order the rest of the Hephaestus cabin to start work rebuilding Cabins 6,7,8, and 9 beause they were bombed with greek fire during the battle.

After he finished giving instructions he waved a hand at us, gesturing for us to join him and the rest of the campers in celebration for our return. I sighed at this, I really wasn't in the mood for partying. I would rather just go lay down somewhere dark and pray to the gods for a dreamless sleep. Yes, that proposition sounds more inviting than dancing around a soon-to-be bonfire with a bunch of teenagers that are enjoying the likely spiked(Stoll Brothers) punch. I decide that the best course of action is to sneak away after the party really gets going and nobody is paying attention to me anymore. Then I'm off to find a comfy little shadow to sleep in.

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