Nol x Reader

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Webtoon: I Love Yoo

[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

It was the night of a huge party. I hated to go to these types of things, but my parents forced me to go, but it was not going to be that bad right? I was wrong it was the worst thing on earth. Not to mention there was a girl with a paper mask, not that I blame her. She must have been dragged here and did not give a shit. To bad I could not be bold like that, my parents would kill me if I was ever like that. I am already in my last year of college! They should just stop pushing me around. I gave a sigh and just walked into the building. I walked inside and then bam I just wanted to leave.

"I should have just ditched." I said to myself. I was sitting at a table and just waited for the party to end. No one was talking to me, due to my death glare. 'Why did my father want me to come?' I asked myself. I was getting thirsty so I got up for drink. I saw a familiar orange haired guy. He was sitting down at the bar, as I walked over towards him I could confirm it was him. "Nol~." As he turned around I could see him emerald green eyes. "Hey, what brings you here?" He asked me. "My annoying parents, they probably wanted me to find someone to date and then marry."

"To bad they don't know about us." He had a smile on his face.

I let out a giggle. "Yeah, you know, I was thinking I should tell my parents that I got a boyfriend."

"They would sure eat that up." He said.

"Want to get out of here?" I asked him.

"Sure but where to?"

"To WacDonalds of course."

"You sure know how to read my mind."

"I am your girlfriend after all." I smiled as we made our get away.


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