date day

368 11 1

me and murdoc woke up an hour later to the front door opening and closing. i wake up with a jolt while murdoc just opens his eyes casually, i look down to meet two different beautiful colour eyes and smiled. he smiles back and we placed a soft kiss on each other's lips. i realized that we were still naked from our little activity earlier. we had the blankets covering us so it was fine.
"hey luv" i say in a tired voice, he responded with "hello baby" i laughed a little and he snuggles in my chest, i tangled my fingers in his jet black hair while my other hand goes around his waist. his hands were on my chest.
he then kissed me deeply with his hands in my hair and my my arms around his torso. we accidentally rolled off the bed with him on top of me straddling me. our lips never left eachother, our tongues were dancing together and he moans in my mouth as i realized that i was having a boner and it pressed against his vagina, my mouth watered at the sight of his horny flushing skin, i go to grab his waist to help my dick enter him. he moans as i just get the tip in.

all of a sudden there was loud knocking at the door "Hey  sorry for taking a while we got some groceries before getting the chinese food" it was russ. the door started to open and we pulled out and leaped up with panic and said while closing the door again "W-WAIT DONT COME IN!" i say in a panic as murdoc helps keep the door closed "wait why?" "CUZ WERE BUSY RUSS!" murdoc said in the same panic tone as me "What do you- wait... OH! HAHA! sorry boys i'll just go now. suppers here" he says as he leaves laughing.

me and murdoc sigh in relief and look at eachother as we blush

"You know~" i started as he looks at me curiously "I'm ready for round Two~ what about you?~" he smirks and bounced on me making me fall over.

the rest of that night is history. lets just say We were both full after that~

we awoke the next morning and ate breakfast together and once again murdoc was wanting to feed me. he for once he let me feed him at the same time without making it a make out battle. we just wrapped up eating and got our jackets on, we were planning on going on yet another date, this time a pick nick! murdoc doesn't know yet. i already packed the stuff in the trunk before he woke up this morning.
he keeps asking where we're going and i keep telling him it's a surprise.
i also may or may not of packed some swimming trunks, a tent, PJs, and other camping stuff and entertainment and food. etc, russ and noodle staying home cuz they complained about the bugs.(Noobs)

we started driving along the highway while murdoc sits there trying to find a way to speed up time, the place we were going was discovered by my mom and dad, we would spend time together there all the time. it's a little waterfall with a pond to swim in. it's pretty much my hang out area where i would sit under the tree my father planted on top of the water fall. peace and quiet always helped me. but now every time i go there i'm only haunted by sadness for the passing of my parents, i miss them.

we turned into a little path me and my dad made little ways back, murdoc looks at me confused but i just looked at him and smiled, i parked the car in a random spot and got out, we were parked on top of the waterfall near a pond, after i set the car in park he gets out curiously, i watch him from the drivers spot and smiled, i also got out and stood behind him and pulled him in to me around his torso and rested my head on his shoulder.

over the trees was a beautiful sunrise and the sun reflects off the water making it glimmer so beautifully, there was a nice camping area near the pond with sand surrounding the pond. "What do you think luv?~" i could see a glimmer in his eyes, i knew he was amazed "T-This is beautiful! how do you know about this place?" he asks as he smiles brightly "me and my parents found it here when i was a lad, we made this our own little territory. this is where i came to think of ideas for our music, even tho they might be dead but every time i come here i always feel them right beside me" i say as i kiss his neck "what do you mean you feel them?" he asks as he turns around and wrapped his arms around my neck i laugh a little and said "i feel them right here" i say as i take his hand and put it on my heart "they always hold a special place in my heart, just like you hun"

his eyes started to tear up and i pulled him in a soft kiss, we stay like that for a while until we eventually pulled away and rest our heads together looking lovingly in eachothers eyes. "that's so sweet stu" he said as a tear falls down his face, i wiped it away and held his head in my hand, he leans in it and blush.
"I also thought this would be the perfect place to start NEW memories, With you and me and our future to come, so i thought that we could set up camp here for the night, i have everything in the trunk" his smile grows and said "Hell yah that sounds fun! lets set up!" he hurried over to the car and i laughed "Alright let's do it!" i say cheerfully.

we got everything out of the trunk and headed down the path the path that led to the little camp area by the waterfall, we set up everything we needed up for the day. we got everything set up and decide to go swimming.

"Murdoc babe i brought some swimming trunks!" i call over to him as i reveal them to him, he laughed and said "what do we need those for?~ it's just us~" he says as he whispers in my ear, i feel my face heat up and i stuttered "S-So your s-S-Saying that you wanna... go sk-inny dipping. together?" he nods his head and i say while pulling off my shirt "Alright Lets Do it!" he laughed and started to take off his clothes as well. after we got everything off we raced to the water, it was a tie, after we got in we started laughing and pushed ourselves together and kissed each other passionately, we were just standing there in the water naked and enjoying eachothers embrace.

we went and sat on the rock under the water fall, we sat there and held each other for what seemed like eternity, "2D luv. can you sing me something" he asks as he hides his head in my chest "witch song would you like to hear hun?" i ask "surprise me" i laughed and thought for a moment. then something popped in my head, i take a deep breath and started

just listen to this~

he giggles and gave me a passionate kiss, we pulled away and he said "I just crave your voice~" i giggle and rubbed his back and said "I crave YOU~" i say as i lick his neck, he hums in return

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