25. Danger

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Actually I don't have that much time. But I still have the weekend. Enjoy the story. Comment anything you want in the story I need ideas.

Clarke's POV
Bellamy and I had started building our house. It had one floor but three rooms. One for Lexa and Madi (if Madi came to sleep here) and one for Bellamy and I. We got to building.

As it got to the afternoon, it became very hot again. Bellamy took off his shirt. He was so hot.

Lexa played in the flower field. She was free. Running in the flowers.

I continued hammering away. The day was longer here so we adjusted and we had more time to build. We ate berries and animal meat. The animal was some sort of small rat like creature. They were easy to find in the forest. 

Tonight, we decided to sleep outside. Lexa was too tried from running around to walk back to the village. Surprisingly, the floor was pretty comfortable. Although I don't think Bellamy felt the same. He tossed and turned all night.

I was sleeping peacefully, until I was woken up. It was still dark out. Bellamy was trying to get comfortable and he was whispering something.

"No. No no no." He mumbled.

"Hey, hey, hey." I said. I tapped his shoulder. He sat right up. "You're okay, Bell. You're okay."

Bellamy sighed.

"So what happened?"

"Well, uh... it was echo actually. She had taken Lexa. You, Madi and I were so worried. Madi almost started a war out of rage, which I don't even know how much anger could come out of a 12 year old girl. Or 137 year old girl."

I chuckled.

"I tried to calm her down and you went to get Madi back. And then echo dragged you back here, by your foot. You were uhh....gone." Bellamy looked down.

"Well I think I'm good now. Thanks for that, Princess."

"Seriously. I told you not to call me that. Plus it's princesses cause there are two more now." I pointed at Lexa.

"Well then I guess you're a queen. My queen."

I smiled. Bellamy grabbed my face and we almost made out. Except we realized that Lexa was sleeping right beside us and we calmed down.

"Night." I whispered.

We woke up the next morning. It seems we overslept. I placed my hand where Lexa was sleeping.

"Hey Lex.....Lexa?" I was worried. "Bellamy where is she?"

"Lexa? Lexxxaaa." We called.

"Lexa where are you?!?"

We searched for half an hour until I remembered something.

"Bellamy! What happened in your dream?" I asked.

"Well, Lexa got taken by Ech- OH MY GOD LEXA MIGHT HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY ECHO!" He realized.

Bellamy and I raced back got the village. Raven and Emori ran over to us.

"Where's Echo?!?" I questioned.

"Uhh...I'm not sure." Raven said.

Octavia and Madi came over.

"What's going on, Clarke?" Madi asked.

"I- We think Lexa was taken by Echo." I answered.

"WONKRU LISTEN UP!" Every looked at Octavia "HAS ANYONE SEEN ECHO?!?!?" Octavia yelled.

The villagers talked amongst them selves for a couple second.

"We haven't seen her." They replied. Others replied no.

"I think I heard someone leave around sunrise. We aren't sure who it was. I went out to check and I could see two figures running away into the forest on that side." He pointed at another forest.

This forest was darker. We couldn't see any light from the suns on the inside.

"I knew she was still bad." Octavia murmured.

"I'M GONNA KILL THAT HORRIBLE BEING!!!" Madi suddenly shouted. She started running towards the woods.

"Madi you are not going in there alone!" I ordered.

"FINE! WONKRU we are going to war!!!! Nobody takes my sister!" She hollered.

"NO! no no!" Bellamy grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Bell, you calm her down. I'll go get Lexa." I turned to leave.

"CLARKE! You can't."

"Why not!" I snapped.

"All these events happened in my dream. If the rest of the events are going to happened, then....you know." Bellamy reminded me.

I was conflicted. I couldn't go alone because I would probably die and Lexa most likely wouldn't make it back. Bellamy couldn't go because if he did then Madi would probably go crazy and he could die as well because he's going alone. We couldn't both go because nobody would calm Madi down because the rest do them hadn't met Madi for long enough to know what calms her down.

"I can go with Clarke. Its time I got rid of that demon bitc-uhh panda?." Octavia stuttered. She realized Madi was here.

"Okay fine you can go." Bellamy sighed. "Octavia. Don't rip her apart. It's not right."

"Uhhh! Why do you have to ruin everything!" Octavia cried.

Octavia and I ran towards the dark forest.

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