17. Nightmares

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Clarke (not POV)
It had been a long day. We had planned to go down in at soon. Everyone was processing the things we had told them. Monty had left food for us stored away somewhere, so the food would rot.

Bellamy came over to sit beside clarke as she ate a midnight snack. Nobody else was here, but she couldn't sleep even though she was tired. Clarke bit down on her apple.

"How you doing?" Bellamy asked.

"I'm alright. It's been so hectic." Clarke replied.

The two of them sat in silence until I finished my apple.

"I think I'm going to turn in for the night." She finally said.

"You would think you wouldn't be tired after sleeping for a hundred years, but everyone's gone to bed. Obviously still tired."

Clarke chuckled and said goodbye.

Lexa stood in front of me. Bellamy beside me.

"How could you do that to me? So once I'm gone your just going to go off with someone else?" Lexa cried.

"I didn't mean to- no I'm not-" I protested.

"Your not trying to upset me?? You didn't mean to stay dating Bellamy? Honestly Clarke, I thought you were better than this. I know you had all those years to think about Bellamy, but I definitely don't approve of this relationship!" Lexa yelled.

"Lexa I-"

"What! Clarke. You are a terrible person and I hate you. How could you do this to me......" Lexa continued shouting at me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I put my hands over my ears.

"Stop! Stop! Please, Stop yelling at me. I'm so sorry. Just make it stop. Make it stop." I started sobbing in the floor. Lexa didn't stop.

Clarke shot up from her bed, panting and sweating. She looked around. There was nobody there. Clarke sighed and lay awake for the rest of the night.

Bellamy's POV
I walked into Clarke's room after eating. She didn't come to eat. Clarke was laying in her bed.

"Clarke, don't you want breakfast?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry." Clarke turned away from me.

"Well you have to get out of bed, people need you. Abby's going to wake Murphy to try and heal him. Plus we can spend sometime with Lexa today, together."

"Fine." Clarke lifted the covers and got out of bed. I left as she changed, waiting outside the door for her.

When she was done, Clarke opened the door and rushed out before I could say anything.

After a couple hours, Clarke and I had planned to spend some time with Lexa.

We took her to see the new planet. She loved it and thought it was very pretty. Clarke did Lexa's hair. I told her some jokes and stories.

Soon Lexa's stomach made a noise that made her giggle.

"I'm hungry." She said.

"Okay we can go get to a snack." I replied.

Lexa took my hand and Clarke's, we walked to the dining room. We picked up an apple for Lexa and headed to my room.

"Clarke are you sure your not hungry?" I questioned her. Clarke nodded.

"You haven't eaten anything since the apple you ate at night." Clarke turned away.

I lead them down the hall and into my room. Echo was waiting for me. She sat on my bed.

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