Hi, I'm Sabrina Dove Besson. I'm 17 years old and I live in LA. I live with my parents and one of my older brothers, Caleb Besson he is 20 years old. My moms name is Ellie, and my dad's name is Cole. They are both 41 years old. You may ask where is...
It was the next day. Last night I didn't sleep so well. I was just thinking about everything. How am I going to 'live' with my worst nightmare. Well you may ask why is he my worst nightmare? Well 1 year ago when the band started the boys were staying at our place for a while. I was close to all of them even Daniel, but I started having feelings for Daniel. My best friend then was Zach, and he still is. I wanted to get the 'crush' thing of of my chest, so I decided to tell Zach. While we were talking Daniel overheard us, and well the next day he came into my room and yelled at me and called me names that no one deserves to be called. He said that he didn't like me at all, and from that day I started hating Daniel Seavey.
I didn't tell anyone about what Daniel said. I just didn't want to break the band apart.
Anyway, enough of the depressing stuff. Let's get packing!
Since I'll be on tour for a year and a half I packed a lot of clothes. But also I had to buy more clothes.
I packed, hoodies (that are not mine because I steal them from Caleb, Corbyn and Zach), crop tops, tank tops, shirts, sweaters, jackets, shorts, jeans, pants, leggings, sweatpants, comfy shorts, dresses, skirts, nice blouses. I packed a lot of sports wear and the essentials like underwear and bras and socks.
For shoes I packed my black, white and burgundy vans, my black andy white Converse, a few pairs of heels, sandals, flats, my slides, my Nike trainers, my Adidas trainers and more.
I decided that I needed some more clothes so I called Zach to see if we can go shopping. He said yeah but Jonah wanted to come too and I of course said yes.
I called an Uber and went to the why don't we house.
When I arrived there I rang the bell and guess who opened the door?
The one and only Daniel Seavey! Great! (Note the sarcasm 😂)
I said hi but he didn't respond. Wow such a jerk.
I saw Zach sitting on the couch... Shirtless? Why is this guy always naked?
Anyway, I went up to him and scared him!
"Boo!" I yelled.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed falling of the couch, wow maybe he was really into the movie he didn't notice me.
I started laughing so hard, Jonah and Jack joining me.
"You idiot!" Zach said chasing after me. I started running but that was useless because he literally scoped me off the ground the second he started running.
"Let me down!" I said laughing.
"Ok, ok!" He said. He put me down and kisses my cheek. It's a thing he does all the time, it's not like a couple thing, it's like a friend thing.
I went up to Jack and Jonah and we shared hugs and they also kissed me on the cheek.
"Where is Bean?" I asked.
"Really, Sabrina? Bean?" Corbyn said, coming down the stairs.
"Yup!" I said nodding my head like a 2 year old.
Corbyn came up to me And hugged me.
"How are mom and dad and Caleb?" He asked.
"They are great. But the atmosphere isn't like it used to be. In just two days we are all separating." I said.
"I know. But hey you are coming with us!" He said.
I just nodded my head.
Me, Jonah and Zach called an Uber and went shopping. . . . 3 hours later.
Sabrina's P.O.V.
I arrived home at 8pm. I was so hungry! My mom had made Salmon and broccoli for dinner.
Me, mom, dad and Caleb sat down on the table and started eating. We chatted and laughed along. Thinking that it won't be like this in just 2 days, is making me sad. I just brush that thought away and have fun.
After dinner I went in my room and watched Stranger things.
After about 1 hour, I fell asleep. . . . . 2 days later.
I woke up at 6am. Today all of us are separating. I'm really sad, but also happy, cause my parents found a good job and Caleb got accepted into a great college. Also Corbyn and his band mates are going on tour everyone is very successful. And here I am, doing absolutely nothing!
I decided to get up, so I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my buisness. After that I took the toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash and floss and put it in my carry on.
I took a shower and then put the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in the carry on too.
I brushed my hair and blow-dried it. I decided to braid it up so it won't be in my face all day. I got dressed in leggings, a hoodie and my coral tennis shoes.
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I put everything I needed in my carry on. Snacks, charger, laptop, phone, a bottle of water, a mini first aid kit, my planner, my sketch book, a pencil case etc.
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I bought this carry on a year ago and I am in love with it.
I took all of my luggage and put it down stairs next to my parents luggage and my brothers. The house looked empty. I didn't like this atmosphere. I saw my family sitting in the kitchen eating some sandwiches my mom had prepared for us last night. The house won't be empty after we leave. My cousins Emma and Sam are going to stay here. They are attending high school in LA so they'll live here.
After everyone was done it was time to say goodbye.
Everyone was crying, but we were still happy that we are all going to have successful 2 years.
I promised my parents that when we come to Paris on tour I'll come visit, and when we are in Sidney I'll visit Caleb.
After 20 minutes the tour bus came. All of the boys said their goodbyes to my parents and Caleb and I got in the bus.
Let the journey begin!!😊
. . . . What will happen next? Make sure to vote and comment!