Hi, I'm Sabrina Dove Besson. I'm 17 years old and I live in LA. I live with my parents and one of my older brothers, Caleb Besson he is 20 years old. My moms name is Ellie, and my dad's name is Cole. They are both 41 years old. You may ask where is...
The movement of the bus woke me up. It was dark in my bunk cuz the curtain was pulled closed. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8.30 AM. Wow, I never wake up this early!
I got excited that today is the first concert the guys will be preforming, but my excitement instantly fell when I remembered mine and Daniel's encounter. Wow that was awkward!
Since it was this early, the boys weren't up. I took my glasses and put them on. I went in the bathroom and did my buisness. After that I put my hair in a bun.
I was too lazy to change so I was in my PJs.
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I went in the living room/kitchen area and went instantly to the coffee machine! I can't start my day without coffee. Hell naw that ain't happening!
While I was making my coffee Daniel walked in...... Shirtless...... Lord have mercy!!!
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I was trying to not stare.
"Do you want coffee?" I asked trying to be nice. I waited a few minutes and he didn't reply. I didn't try again. I took my coffee and sat on the love sack. I took my phone out and started looking through Instagram, ignoring his presence. If he is a jerk to me I'll be a bigger jerk.
Daniel's P.O.V.
When I went in the lounge area I didn't expect Sabrina to be there. She looked very beautiful! The PJs she was wearing fit her perfectly.... No they didn't... She looked bad in them.... Yes very bad....
"Do you want coffee?" She asked me, but I didn't answer. I do feel bad, but girls are the same. They all break hearts.
Sabrina's P.O.V.
The awkward silence in the room was killing me! I decided to go change and do my hair. And by 'change and do my hair' I mean get dressed in leggings a cropped shirt and ankle socks and also I just braided my hair in two french braids.
I didn't put my contacts in, because wearing them isn't the most comfortable thing!
I went in the lounge area and almost everyone was there.
"Good morning!" Jonah, Jack and Corbyn said.
"Morning!" I said back.
"Where is Zach?" I asked.
"Still sleeping." Jonah said and I nodded.
"What are we having for breakfast?" Asked Corbyn.
" I don't know. How about we stop at the market and get fresh avocados, so we can make avocado toast." Jonah said.
"Sure!" We all agreed.
We told Filip what we wanted and stopped at the grocery store. I didn't want to go, so I stayed in the bus. I thought I was alone, but when I went in the bunk area I saw Daniel on his phone. He looked up at me and then looked at his phone continuing to ignore me.
I don't know what I did to him! Why does he hate me so much?
I layed in my bunk and watched some Overnight challenges.
10 minutes had gone buy and the boys weren't still there. I was bored so I decided to go in the lounge area. I got out of the bunk bed and saw Daniel sleeping. He looked so peaceful, so cute while sleeping. He looked like he had a heart.
"Take a picture it will last longer!" Daniel said AGAIN! OMG why does my life suck!! This morning really was an awkward morning...
* * * *
What do you guys think so far? I really don't have a schedule for updating but I'll try to update more often!! Leave some suggestions down in the comments! Make sure to vote and comment!