5~ First Performance!

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Sabrina's P.O.V.

A few days have passed since I had that awkward encounter with Daniel.

Today the boys are going to have a mini concert and meet and greet.

I woke up at 8 am. I checked social media for a few minutes and then went to the bathroom. I got dressed in gray sweat pants and a black t shirt that says wdw on it. I also put on my black Adidas slides.

I put my hair in a messy bun and put my glasses on.

I went in the lounge area and saw Zach there.

"Morning!" Zach said cheerfully.

"Morning... Are you ok?" I said touching his forehead.

"Yes. I am perfect. Why ask?" He asked confused.

"It is 8.30 am! How the hell are you awake and not a zombie?!" I asked.

He gave me a death glare.

"First of all language. Second, you should be happy that I am not in a bad mood cuz you would of been dead by now!" He said.

"Right. You won't do anything to me! You can't!" I said playfully and stuck my toungue out.

Next thing I know I'm on his shoulder and then I am thrown on a love sac and he is tickling me.

"Stop! Ahahahhaa! Please Zach!" I said laughing my a** off.

"Nope!" He said still tickling me.

"Zach please!!! I'm going to pee my self!!" I screamed.

Out of no where Daniel walked in. He looked at us and his jaw clenched and then he rolled his eyes at us.

What's up with him??

Zach stopped tickling me and now we were eating breakfast.

All of the others woke up. Filip announced that today at exactly 4pm we have to be ready cuz the boys are going to have a concert today.
BTW we are in New York.

After this we are headed back to LA, and then we are starting our world tour.

The day passed by with us chilling and having fun.

It was now 2:30 pm so I decided to start getting ready. I put this on:

And I straightened my hair, I put on a bit of makeup and a cute rose gold necklace

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And I straightened my hair, I put on a bit of makeup and a cute rose gold necklace.

This is what the boys wore:

I went to the lounge area and when I walked in Jonah, Jack and Zach whistled

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I went to the lounge area and when I walked in Jonah, Jack and Zach whistled. Corbyn hit their head. And Daniel he just looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"You look amazing!" Corbyn said.

"I agree!" Zach, Jack and Jonah said in Union.

"I don't!" Daniel said with a smirk.

That right there broke me.

I didn't let the tears flow. No! Not in front of him. Never...

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