6~Odd one out

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Last chapter:
I went to the lounge area and when I walked in Jonah, Jack and Zach whistled. Corbyn hit their head. And Daniel he just looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"You look amazing!" Corbyn said.

"I agree!" Zach, Jack and Jonah said in Union.

"I don't!" Daniel said with a smirk.

That right there broke me.

I didn't let the tears flow. No! Not in front of him. Never...

Sabrina's P.O.V.

My eyes started watering but I didn't let the tears flow, as I said I am NEVER going to cry in front of him, ever...

"Dude!" Jack yelled at Daniel, and he just rolled his eyes. I feel like that is his signature move.

"It's fine Jack." I said

"It's not!" Everyone except Daniel said.

"Guys let's just go." I said.

The bus stopped and we all got out. It was now 3:15 pm and we first had to have a sound  check. And by 'we' I mean the boys.

We got in the mini concert section.

I sat down back stage while the boys were having a sound check. I looked at them. They are really a good team. They're all happy, they are laughing, even Daniel. When they are on their own they are happy, they don't yell at each other, but when I am there, there must be a problem. They aren't this happy, they yell at each other, and it's all about me. Maybe I am the odd one out...

I got cut off with my thoughts by Zach.

"Hey!" He said sitting down next to me.

"Hi." I said.

"You ok? You were deep in thoughts?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. How is sound check going?" I asked.

"Pretty good. The fans are going to come in in a bit." He said.

"Good." I said.

All of the boys came in backstage. We were chatting around. We heard the fans coming in, they were screaming for the boys to come out. Filip came and told the boys that they are going to go on stage in 15 minutes. They started touching up their hair and stuff. I hugged them and wished them good luck. Then it was time to say good luck to Daniel.

"Good luck." I said.

He didn't reply he just walked out. Rude!!

The boys went out on stage and the fans screamed. The guys started singing. First it was 'Trust fund baby' then '8 letters', after that 'These girls' and etc.

I sang along to the songs, it was fun seeing the boys at their best.

About 2 hours passed and the boys were finnished. Now it was time for the meet and greet.

"Hey, you should come and stay with us at the meet and greet, the fans would be happy to see you!" Corbyn said.

"I don't know..." I said.

"That would be great!" Filip said.

"Ok, I guess."

We went there and I stood with the boys. Most of the fans wanted to take pictures with me too, until one blonde chick (pls do not get offended if you are blonde) .

"Hey guys! Oh my goodness! I am so excited to meet you!!" She said in her fake AF voice.

"Hi!" The boys greeted her.

"Let's take a pic! But I don't want this pig in the picture!" She said looking at me.

"Oh..." I said taken back.

My eyes started tearing up, but I didn't cry.

"No offence!" She said smirking.

"None taken..." I said almost in a whisper.

"Hey, that wasn't so nice!" Zach said.

"Oh it's fine, it wasn't like i wasn't telling the truth." She said.

I walked out. I tried keeping the tears in.

"Hey! Sabrina!!" Corbyn yelled.

"Guys you need to finish the meet and greet!" Filip told them.


"I'm sorry, you have to stay!" Filip said.

I walked out of the building and saw the tour bus. I tried getting in but it was closed. I saw that the driver was there I knocked on the window and the bus driver saw me. He opened the door and let me in.

"Thanks." I said quietly, and he just nodded.

I changed in some sweet pants and a shirt and put my hair in a bun.

I sat on the couch, and that's when the tears started flowing. Wow.... Maybe I am the odd one out....

What will happen next??
Gusy I know I haven't updated in a while, but I try as much as I can.
Make sure to comment some suggestions and vote!!


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