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On my wrist, there was a black engravement on my skin, simply just 'Stephen look out!' But there wasn't anything simple about that, almost everyone has it, it's the last thing your soulmate will ever say to you before they die.. kind of morbid. At least I know that I'm going to die tragically.

The door slammed against the frame, I stormed out of the house. Daniel was complaining about some stupid thing again, just because I didn't put the knife back into the block and he somehow manged to cut himself. Stupid kid.

The rain was beating down hard on the busy streets, cars passing by splashing water an inch away from my feet. I groaned as I was only in a t-shirt, but it's better than Daniel screaming at me. Suddenly I didn't feel water constantly running down my nose, I looked up to see an umbrella, then to my side, a man that was up to my shoulders, wearing a smile on his face. He had kindness in his eyes and his grey hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Here, you need this more than I do"

I took it, muttering a thank you.

"So Stephen? Haven't seen you in a while.. what's been going on?"


I was kind of surprised to see Stephen, sadly we haven't been that much in touch lately. He groaned. 

"Hosuh can you just leave me alone!" He says through gritted teeth.


"Look, it's not anything about you, but my day is going fucking terrible."

He then rushed up ahead, the umbrella still in hand, I looks at my wrist, and decided to follow behind him, not that close, but about an arms reach.


My feet were carrying me along the wet concrete, my thoughts jumbled up into a complete mess. I started to close the outside world as I continued to walk, my mind going back to the argument. I was cut from my thoughts when I heard a loud car horn, I suddenly forgot what to do and I just froze. 

"Stephen look out!"

The words that I dreaded to hear, I was shoved onto the cold, wet road, the umbrella got flung to the side, and my hands were scraped. 

I didn't get to see Hosuh's face before the car slammed into him, but I could recognize that voice anywhere. I jumped to my feet and over to him. Blood was everywhere, my once pure white t-shirt getting stained with his blood, but that didn't matter. 

Tears came running down my eyes as I scrubbed away the rubble to come face to face with a lifeless Hosuh. Deep red blood poured slowly down his cheeks and bright red blood came out of his neck. 

His eyes, once bright, were open wide and glossed over, and they looked right through my head. Wet stains that I assumed were tears and the never ending rain trickled down his once rosy cheeks. His shirt was in tatters and extremely large black bruises scattered his chest. 

My attention turned to his wrist. Written in rapidly fading ink were the words "Look, it's not anything about you, but my day is going fucking terrible." Glancing down at the script on my own wrist, I saw that it, too, was disappearing before my eyes. 

I yelled loud and begged for it to be a mistake, for Hosuh to be alive. But he wasn't. The paramedics declared him dead at the scene - they said he'd died upon contact with the car. They bagged him up and took him away before taking me in a different ambulance.

I was checked over and I was confirmed that I was fine.. but I didn't feel fine at all. My soulmate just died - my best friend.. and the last words he ever heard me say was just me complaining. Hosuh sacrificed his life for me without hesitation, and I couldn't get it out of my head that all I did to him today was turn him down. 

I returned to the house and Daniel seemed to have calmed down, I told him what him what happened and his face were filled with tears. We ended up sitting on the couch together and shared all the good memories we had with each other. 

I attended Hosuh's funeral, cluching the flowers that I brought for him. It hurt me so much that I couldn't cry, once I got onto one knee to put down the flowers, I stayed there for a while, looking and the engraving in the stone. Daniel put his hand on my shoulder when I stood up, we walked to the car together and drove back.

I was in a terrible mood, and I wish I could be talking to him right now.

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