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//A suggestion by a reader, and now I delivered, sorry for the long wait, I'm not very proud of this but oh well//


I've always wanted a cat, something about the little creatures always seemed to warm my heart. Sadly I never had the chance to own one, since my mother was allergic.

But now that I'm living with my roommate, Yoshi, maybe I could finally get to handle one... or many.

So I went to pet store, but then I thought, let's go adopt. 

I probably went to far, now that I have twenty, but, a part of me wanted more..

Couple days later

I was sitting in my room, couple of kittens in my lap, animating just for fun.

My roommate has been gone for a while now, wonder where he is. A couple dozen cats meowed, so I got up and fed them, filled all one hundred bowls, all the way to the top.

 Suddenly I heard a knock in the door, so I crept along the floor and opened it a little, and saw Dan and Stephen. 

I welcomed them and they one of the cats, Stephen went over to it and picked it up, meanwhile Dan had some questions in mind


Yesterday, my best bud Yoshi called me about Hosuh's sudden 'collection', he thought that perhaps we could convince him to get rid of them. 

Hosuh welcomed us inside and there was a little grey kitten with two different coloured eyes, Stephen was now treating it like a freakin' baby. "Sooo Hos, when did you get the cat?"

His eyes lit up, "I got him around two days ago, why?" 

"Just wondering."

"I also got a few more if you want to meet them."

He led me and Stephen into the hallway, there was at least more than fifty bowls lined up. I was really confused, was this what he was talking about?

Stephen piped up, "why do you need so many bowls if you only like," he paused, "a few cats?"


I grabbed a bag and shook it, 99 cats came running in. Stephen and Dan stood there in shock. "Aren't they cute?"

They both looked at me. At the same time, they both said..


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