
796 20 16

This chapter is longer than usual, also there's some swearing and mentions of suicide.

3rd Person POV

Hosuh closed the door to his dorm gently, then slid onto the floor, out of breath. He looked over at the suitcase that caused the trouble, oh why didn't he get one with wheels?

He got up again and looked around the dorm. It was nice and cozy, a single bed, small kitchen, smallish bathroom, just your average dorm. Hosuh couldn't believe that he managed to get one all by himself. It really was a dream come true.

Everything was beautifully furnished, it really surprised the guy, since it was half off, not that he was complaining, but he couldn't help but wonder why it's cheaper than the rest.

He decided to unpack his demon suitcase tomorrow, the silver-haired boy was just too tired to deal with it.

Flopping down onto the already made bed, he closed his eyes for a moment before his stomach started to growl, begging for food. There wasn't anything in the fridge currently, but he remembered putting a few packs of instant noodles in the front pocket of his bag.

"I'm a true college student already!" He laughed to himself as he poured the hot water into the bowl with noodles.

"Yeah, just like every other shitty student here." Hosuh heard a faint whisper, it sounded distant, almost like someone had mumbled it under their breath.

A little spooked, Hosuh hesitantly turned around, trying to find the source of the mysterious voice. Maybe he was just imagining things? It was late and he was exhausted after all.

He just continued what he was doing, consuming the rest of the ramen before rolling into his bed. He would just brush his teeth in the morning.


"Hey." Hosuh's eyes opened slightly to the sound of the voice. It sounded ethereal and pleasant.

"Hey." The voice became a little more stern, making it less pleasant than it was originally. Hosuh noticed that it belonged to a young man, that's all he could tell. No matter how much he looked around himself, he couldn't find the source. Was something wrong with him? He just rolled over and drifted off to sleep again.


"Hey!" The voice rang quite clear in Hosuh's ears as he jumped out of his bed, the light of the morning sun beaming through his windows.

Hosuh looked around, a bit more panicked, yet he still could not find the voice's source, it was driving him insane. Maybe it was just a dream..

He groaned, "what time is it anyways?" Hosuh glanced over at his phone. "Oh no, I have twenty minutes!" Hosuh ran to his bag, ripping out different sets of clothes. He almost got to the door before he got stopped when his mind (at least that's what he thought) reminded him that never brushed his teeth this morning.

A faint chuckle was heard as Hosuh left his dorm. "Idiot."


Hosuh closed to the door to his dorm quietly, panting softly. He was glad that he was finally alone.

The grey haired male flopped onto his bed, and turned to face the bland walls. He forgot that he probably should be moving his stuff in. Hosuh got up again and started to move things around, making room for the furniture that would be coming soon.

He remembered that he had some posters in one of his bags, so he dug them out and hung them up. There, it felt a little more homey.

"God, are you fucking serious?" Hosuh whipped around, he needed to stop ignoring that voice. It sounded unreal, but he was sure that he heard something, and he wasn't putting it off this time.

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