♥StephenxDaniel♥ (part 1?)

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A/N this was just a little thing to let out my emotions, so sorry if it isn't the best


He's too full of himself to care for others, I look down at my hands that were clenched into fists.

Why did I fall for him.

I slapped myself, but realized that this would only make matters worse. I sighed, and looked over to the couch to see a peaceful Hosuh, sleeping in no worries nor pain, if only I could feel like that. I would do anything for these feelings to go away.

His eyes, the cold feeling that would make a stranger shiver from his glance, his smile, and my god his laugh. It was only thing that seemed pure about him.

The front door slammed and Hosuh jolted up, muttering a 'whaa' and then laid back down again, poor guy. Stephen swore and punched the wall. I rushed over to him, wondering why he was so late coming back. "Stephen! Wh-" I stopped short, looking at his left arm, it was covered with a cast. "-what happened to you..?"

He looked like he was going to scream at me, but he changed his mind quickly. "It's nothing you need to worry about Dan.." His voice was oddly soft, he shaked off his boots and tried to sit them up with his foot. After that, he went past me, and sat on the chair that was near the couch, with Hosuh now snoring quietly.

I don't know what else to write.. if I do.. I'll make another part

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