Chapter six

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(Jane’s POV)

I stood at the edge of my bed staring blankly at the duffle bag on my bed. There was something odd about the atmosphere in the school for the past few days. It made one feel muggy and exhausted constantly, and you wouldn’t want to move for about a day, and when you tried to move, your motivation would get killed by how everyone else felt around you so you had no other choice to go back to your room and pack for something even more depressing. You would then proceed to get nowhere with your packing and just lie in an empty and dark room.

Today like any other of the past week, I was standing in front of my half full duffle bag slightly slumped, negative thoughts running around my mind that would make someone else pass out, until someone knocked on my door.

“Come in.” I stated simply.

The door slowly opened and a slim women figure stepped in. She had a gentle, elderly walk. Not that she was super old; she just seemed older than many, like Remel, she seemed to stride in wisdom or something like that. She had a cloak and hood over her face so all I could see were her red slim but plump lips in a gentle smirk as she walked into the room enough to close the door behind her.

“You look a lot like me, at least, what I used to look like.” The soft clicking of her high heeled knee boots on the wood floor was somewhat comforting to me.

“A lot of people say that I took after my mother, and my brother took after my dad.” I eyed her a bit suspiciously as she crossed the room to the balcony doors and opened the curtains and the windows, letting the night breeze and moonlight through.

“Do you know what happened to your parents?”


“Did you ever wonder why they weren’t around when you were growing up?”

“Yes but I know they had their reasons.”

“What if their reasons were selfish?” her voice cracked, the wind blew her hood off letting a full head of long black and silvery hair loose.

“I’d forgive them, I mean, sure I’d be a bit angry but…we all make selfish reasons sometimes,” I paused turning to face her fully, “who are you?”

She laughed slightly at this before answering softly, “I am who you want me to be.” She turned around.

She had a face which was familiar to me, I stepped a bit closer to her and she sighed, “Then, what you said…about people having their reasons to leave, I did have my reasons to leave you and Christopher, selfish, but I still had reasons. Except, now I see that, those reasons didn’t do much good since the initial problem came back and now I have come back to at least try and fix the problems in the best way I can.” She ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

I stood there my mouth agape; this woman standing here was my mother. The woman who abandoned my brother and I; I should be angry and thrashing my furry at her, yet all I wanted to do was hold her tightly. I took a step near her and threw my arms around her; there was something wrong, her arms stayed by her side. It was now that I realized; she hadn’t come to tell me she was my mother, but to tell me something else. I backed away from her, my eyes stinging with tears threatening to fall.

“Jane. You and your brother took after your father’s bloodline; there is something you must know. Those who become Holy Guardians have a terribly lonely life, some who are born into it sacrifice their long life and abilities to be able to have a normal life-“

“So, you came here to tell me that I should become mortal instead of trying to help? YOU WANT ME TO BE A COWARD LIKE YOU? WHY DID YOU LEAVE CHRIS AND I? WERE WE JUST TRASH TO YOU?” my anger was boiling over and I couldn’t take it.

I wasn’t going to stand around and be pushed around into doing what I didn’t want to. I needed to ask for Caspar’s help, not listening to a word Giselle said I stormed out into the hallway.

“Whoa hey you okay?” it was Luke; I turned and looked at him seriously.

“Where’s Caspar? I need his help.” I stated.

“uh I think he’s  in the library but why-“

“nothing. Just nothing.”

With that I walked down the hall to the library opening the doors and looking throughout the aisle for the known blonde mop. I heard a deep sigh and a calm male voice sounded near me.

“I knew you were coming to me. What kind of help do you want of me?” I turned to see Caspar leaned against the far window with a book in his hand. The way he stood made the sun shine through his hair to make it seem it was on fire. The slight sparkles in his vest were dazzling in the midevening sunset light and it amazed me how someone so old could look so handsome.

“I’m not stupid Jane, you’re here to ask me a question or rather a favor and I can’t tell you how I abhor favors. As it is I’m already fulfilling two and against my own will, so whatever you need from me I suggest you ask me in the best way you can.” With that he slapped the book shut and came up to me, holding my chin up with his index and middle finger. “You know; if I liked women I wouldn’t hesitate to kiss you right now. But I know that angel boy of yours would chop my head off if I did. Now, I want to hear your proposition.”

 “Well, you see mister Caspar sir, uh I don’t want to sit around and wait for someone to tell me what to do.”

“Your point is?”

“I want you to turn me into a male so that I can enroll in the British Army like the rest of the guys.”

“Jane do you realize what you’re asking me to do? You’re asking me to cross Remel, my lifelong friend, your mother, may I repeat is a kick-ass woman and she would cut my hands off, and lastly you are asking me to break all laws about enrolling in the war.”

“yeah basically.”

“Do you honestly think no one’ll notice? You’re supposed to be on the infiltration team with me and the rest who aren’t going to battle.”

“Well I figure I’m better off on the battlefield than I am on an intelligence team. Caspar look at it this way,” I came closer to him to whisper it, “I’d be keeping an eye on Daniel and the others. I’d be able to make sure none of them got hurt.”

His reply was filled with malice, “Daniel needs no protection, anyone who hurts him receives it tenfold,” he licked his lips and looked down at me, “if anyone does anything to harm Daniel, he gives it back to them ten times as worse. He needs no protection. Now I don’t know about Guy or Sam, but Luke certainly does not need any protection from anyone; he’s capable and has his ancestry for protection. You on the other hand, we cannot lose in battle, you’d die instantly and we can’t have that.”

“Why can’t I fight on the field? Why would I die instantly? And what about Christopher? He’s still going, in fact he received deployment for RANK A, he’ll be at the front lines, do you expect me to sit around and wait for him to die? They need me on the front. And you’re the only one who can do the magic properly. If I ask Eric he’ll most likely turn me into a toad.”

He gave me a glare mixed with worry and anger, much to my relief, through gritted teeth he stated,

“I will give you the potion, and I will speak with Remel, you cannot drink the potion until we reach the deployment areas in England, if you do everyone in our group will know.” He turned to leave, but turned back and pressed me against the bookshelves, “I hope you know what the Hell you’re doing. If you die, the world may die.” He let go of my wrists and stalked out of the library without another word. 

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