Chapter Four

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            The soft pitter patter of rain hit my window as I lay in bed looking straight towards the ceiling. Thinking about upcoming battle and war was a dangerous thing with me, it would transform into this huge web of pros and cons. My thoughts always got carried away no matter what I thought of. Thankfully, something else had grabbed my attention, several hours ago in fact.

The sound of the rain was being accompanied by the sound of movement above me. Someone was landing in unordinary ways on their feet, at first I thought it may be Jane or Luke, but something about the lightness of foot made me get up and make my way to it.

I found out that the room above mine was in fact a dance room, and in it was a person, specifically a girl. I know, obvious, but I couldn’t see their face well enough to know who it was. The door was left open a bit so that I could see the ballet slippers on delicate feet. The girl was about 5’9” and my immediate thought was Sam, when I remembered a thought which Eric could’ve killed me for. Same wasn’t the most graceful person. I slowly sneaked into the room and sat down. The delicate classical music filled the room as the figure stopped her back to me.

“You know I can see you, right? What are you doing here, don’t you have a girlfriend?” the soft voice resonated throughout the room and I recognize it as Arion’s. She looked different though.

Her words stung a bit, knowing that she was referring to Jane, images of our cheerful moments crossed my mind.

“No. I don’t have a girlfriend.” I paused, getting up, “You’re really good,” I opened my mouth to speak again but she started to dance again, her body speaking on its own.

She’d gone through the same thing as me, with whom I didn’t know but the graceful steps she took, her feet matching the pitter patter from the rain, made this all seem like a dream, and suddenly everything about Jane disappeared. I felt as if I had amnesia and I was forgetting about the stupid things: the way that Jane smiled and blushed, or looked so cute when she bit her lip concentrating on a spell of some sort. Everything was about Arion and the music and the dancing.

The impulse in me was great and it overtook me, I got closer to her and grabbed her hand making her pirouette towards me. I grabbed her other hand, her back to my chest. Our bodies were thrown into an ultimate improvised duet. The music stopped playing and she didn’t say a word before she ran out of the room.

After a couple of minutes, I was lying down in the middle of the wooden floor, there was a whooshing sound from outside the balcony. I thought I saw a pair of wings, so I immediately thought it was Jane or Luke. I walked to the doors, seeing a tall dark figure. The glass of the windows broke and I was flung backwards and the figure walked in. They had long hair on one side, and the other was practically shaved off. I realized now it was a women, she had a scepter in hand, her face in an emotionless gaze, looking down at me on the floor.

“Who are you? Get out of here.” I stated, my hands up ready for a fight.

She let out a chuckle and a smirk, “standing up to me, that’s adorable,” she pointed her scepter at my throat, “your face would make a beautiful addition to my collection. I could use a pretty face like yours.”

“Why are you here?” I persisted

She let out an irritated sigh, flicking her hair to the side, showing a scar over her right cheek. “I’m looking for someone special. Someone you may know actually. His name is Caspar. He’s a warlock, not like me obviously, much weaker.” She chuckled again, when I didn’t answer her smile faded. “Tell me pretty boy, is everyone in this school under the impression that my only prey are humans?” I shook my head no. “Good, you know your stuff; now let’s see if you know how to answer your earlier question. Hmm? It seems like the cat’s got your tongue. Fine.” She got up and held me by my shirt against the wall. Her eyes were pitch black, no iris, and no pupil. “I am Koh, and you are my pet now.”

Before I could scream, she raised her scepter to me and darkness surrounded me.


“You know,” Sam stated, picking the pedals off a daisy while lying down on my lap, “Your hair looks a bit like a cow now. I mean half of it is black and the top half is white.”

Now that I was taking the medicine proscribed by Caspar, my symptoms seemed to be getting better. I playfully blew a strong wind current at her, making her fall off of my lap. I tackled her to the ground, pinning her hands above her head. I was about to kiss her before a panicked Jane came up to us.

“Sorry to interrupt your lovey-dovey shit, but have you guys seen Guy lately?” she sat down with us,

“Uh no I don’t think so why?” Sam inquired, straightening up.

“He wasn’t at breakfast this morning, I asked Arion but she told me the last time she saw him was in the dance studio.”

“Well did you check there?” I asked, she shook her head no.

“The door was locked, I couldn’t get in.” There was a flash of purple flames and Caspar whizzed in.

“For God’s sake, why didn’t you stupid children summon me! Koh was here last night and did any of you know? NO!” he stormed into the school and Jane looked at me with the most terrified look I’d ever seen.

“You don’t think...”

“I swear to God I hope not.” Sam answered for both of us as we rushed to follow Caspar, finding him in front of the dance room.

“I knew it. You all are just so...” he threw his hands up in irritation, setting the door on fire, making it collapse. As soon as the flames disappeared, there was a feminine chuckle which resonated throughout the room.

“How good of you to join us, big brother.” The smoke disappeared with a waved of a hand and I saw Jane transform almost immediately into her combat form. “Oh, is this the angelic pest? She is quite lovely Caspy; I didn’t think women were your type though.” The voice came from a woman in a tight black dress, with long silver hair which was shaved off short on the left side.

“How are you, Koh? Your right cheek seems in its best shape.” Caspar stated drily. “Where’s the boy.”

“Oh, is that why you’re here? Don’t worry he’s only where you’ll have trouble reaching him.” She pointed upwards with her scepter and we all looked up. I heard Jane gasp as we saw an unconscious and bloody Guy hanging from the ceiling.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?” Jane cried, she flew up almost instantly to grab him, his noose was cut and a grunt left Guy’s lips.

Caspar jumped at Koh but she was already gone with a high pitch laugh, “Have fun eating my dust big brother, your long life will soon end.” But the message was meaningless to Caspar; he was already helping Guy enough for him to be able to last to the nurse rooms. 

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