Chapter Three

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“Eric! Are you alright?” Sam made her way through the stunned group, “Who’s this?” she inquired.

“When Chris said there was a creeper he never mentioned he was good looking and mysterious.” Arion stated blankly. Guy looked at her as if agreeing which made Caspar look up from me and I could tell that, by the expression on his face, something sarcastic was going to come out of his mouth.

Before it could come out, though, Remel and Daniel came in.

“What did we miss?” Daniel asked, running a hand through his black hair, his blue eyes shining sharply.

“By the looks on all your faces, we didn’t miss much.” Remel answered the hanging question.

 “So what happened? What was that thing on his hip?” he asked.

“Do sit down before you hurt yourself Christopher.” Caspar snapped.

Remel shot Caspar a look, and he now got up and mumly walked to the far corner of the dorm room, crossing his arms and looking down, making his vibrant mop cover his face. I tried to sit up, my hip still hurting.

“I have some kind of warlock mark thing that came in. That’s why I’m all wounded and stuff. Just in case anyone was still wondering.” I stated, and once this was said, I saw everyone either sigh in relief or look confused.

Daniel walked to the book shelf next to Caspar, making him look up. Something happened too quickly to catch, and suddenly, Daniel was pinned against the wall. Some murmurs were exchanged between them, and in a matter of seconds, he disappeared in a blast of purple flames. Daniel now grabbed a book and flipped through it before turning to us and reading as if nothing had happened.

“‘The warlock hierarchy symbol is that of high warlock class. It is usually obtained when the warlock has reached certain knowledge about an important fact in the family line. The symbol is an eye with three distinct eye lashes, with a tear and a splatter of spikes in the pupil. The three eyelashes represent the three mothers of all warlocks; they are the trinity of birth in the species of warlocks throughout the world. Their names were: Sylph, the wind nomad, Katsa the fire soldier and Hylia the earth nymph. The tear represents the very uncommon warlocks which were birthed between water fair folk and a warlock. It represents the few water warlocks in the world.’ So basically, you must’ve found something out about your past and now you’re officially a warlock.” Daniel put the book down and a gust of purple flames came into the room again.

Caspar ran to Remel’s ear and whispered something which made Remel quickly shut the door and look at us all in severity.

“I guess now is the time as good as any to tell you all that we are now officially at war. What war? You may ask, well the grand and beautiful chaos going on in the human world.”

“But, not wanting to be uncompassionate, we aren’t exactly human…Why are we being implied in this? By my calculations, they should deal with this alone.” Arion said.

“You didn’t hear me right. The war has been going on for a year now, when Jane and Luke found the man dying from poison gas that was the invasion of Poland. 1939, Arion, it’s 1940 and Germany has proceeded to take over France, Denmark, Norway and other countries. But as you said, Hitler isn’t our problem.”

“Then who is?” Guy inquired.

“His right hand general of attack.”

“Who exactly, or what exactly, is our problem?” Jane asked persistently.

“Koh.” Caspar stated in a loud and firm voice.

“Caspar you don’t have to—” Remel was cut off by Caspar,

“Koh the face changer. Of course, she wasn’t always the face changer.”

“Wait a second, SHE? Are you sure? I mean we ARE talking about Hitler’s right hand general…” Guy spoke.

“Face. Changer. You aren’t very bright are you?” Caspar let out an irritated sigh. “Koh: Katherine Faraberith. My biological sister. She was consumed by the Mother of Faces and was turned into the human, or rather warlock, form of Koh; the face spirit.” His eyes blazed with anger and annoyance. He eyed us all, his gaze settling on a slumped Luke who seemed to be concentrating greatly on his thoughts. “You haven’t spoken much, angelic boy.” Caspar stated.

“I haven’t spoken much because I don’t know what to say. What are we supposed to do? Also, you haven’t introduced yourself properly to us.” He crossed his arms, starring Caspar down.

Caspar spread his arms wide and released a malicious and diva like laugh. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, angels, fair folk and warlocks, I AM CASPAR FARABERITH. A fire based warlock who is being forced to help you by, not simply Remel, but MISS GISELLE WILLIAMS YES,” he turned and pointed his index finger at Jane. “YOUR BLOODY MOTHER CURSED ME TO PROTECT YOU AND YOUR USELESS BROTHER BECAUSE SHE CAN’T BOTHER TO MOVE HER ARSE AND DO IT HERSELF!” and with that he disappeared for the second time in a puff of purple flames.

“Pay no heed to him, Jane, he’s simply confused…” Remel stated.

There was silence for a while until I spoke up,

“So what exactly are we supposed to do?”

“Well most of you are already of age to be deployed.” Remel hinted. “Of course, we can’t have all of you in the army. The plan is to infiltrate the opposing bases and find Koh and stop her before she awakens something that isn’t meant to be awoken.” A look of fright  and terror crossed his face, but it vanished as soon as it came.

“We should probably come up with some sort of plan of attack.” Daniel stated. Jane stood up, her eyes watering from the earlier events.

“We have a plan. Attack. Just go straight for it. No need to be diploid anywhere. If put under normal stress, we would end up revealing our battle forms. It’s a defense mechanism, we can’t help it.”

“Well we need to do something more undercover. We can’t just go around each military base and attack. It’s too rash.” Sam said, “I’m guessing it’ll be the guys volunteering for the army then.” She stated emotionless, not looking at me.

Remel looked around, his gaze stopping on me, “Eric won’t be deployed. Arion I want you to volunteer as a nurse since you have healing abilities.” His gaze landed on Jane for a minute, “Jane, Sam, Eric, Caspar and I will be on the group who will not be deployed. Everyone else prepare to go volunteer tomorrow morning. Also,” his gaze blazed on Jane. “Don’t do anything stupid.” With that he opened the dorm room and everyone left except Chris and Sam. Sam glared at Chris making him walk out of the room.

“Caspar isn’t too bad.” She stated simply sitting on the edge of my bed. “Does it hurt?” she looked down at my wrapped waist.

“Not really. He gave me some pain killers. Which reminds me, I have to take some medication he gave me, can you pass me that small bag and a glass of water?” she nodded and did as I said, coming back and placing them in my hands. I took out a pill from the bag, it was a small green sphere, I swallowed it and drank the water. My mind went fuzzy for a few seconds; I suddenly felt a burning sensation on my head. “Ow…what the?”

Sam was wide eyed.

“Your hair it’s…it’s not completely white anymore!” she exclaimed.


“Your roots! Their black now!” she handed me a mirror and I looked. She was right, the pill had brought my hair back to its normal state. 

Book 3: The Wandering KnightWhere stories live. Discover now