But It Never Does

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Final chapter! After you finish this, please go read the acknowledgements. Don't forget to play the song I have linked to this chapter while you read! You may recognize the chapter names in the lyrics of the song, enjoy :) Also, the video I linked was made by me.


"Happy birthday Vic!" My mom said to me, engulfing me in a hug. Ever since the news, she's been a lot nicer to me. Mike got home from the hospital yesterday, acting unearthly as well. I think they figured out I had some sort of relation with Kellin. But what Kellin was to me was much, much more than a relation.

The party was starting soon, even though I persisted her not to throw one. It'd make things harder.

"Thanks..." I muttered before skipping some stairs and running into my room. I opened my bedside drawer and skimmed past my blades to the note Kellin gave me. I hadn't read it, I just wanted to save it for the right time. But now wasn't the time. No, I knew exactly when I wanted to read this.

Mike and I played some video games, which was fun. He's been sober, so far, and I'm proud of him. Maybe he'd be successful after all. He also seems to be interested in the drums, so maybe he'll make a living out of that.

My mom and dad announced they're getting divorced, but my mom got custody. For now, they're sacrificing their bitterness of one another for Mike and I. I mean, today's my birthday and he just got home from the hospital.

Some of our family showed up an hour later, greeting me with small presents and a cake. For once, I felt like this was an actual family gathering. Usually, we don't throw parties. But I knew why they were now. This was out of sympathy, which I hated so much. But it doesn't matter, tonight I won't feel anything at all.

The party was decent, but quite boring as well. The cake my aunt made was delicious, definitely a remembrance for now. I got a lot of money, the usual deal for a guy such as my age. Some people even apologized for not being there for me. It was nice, having some closure. I'd miss everyone a little, even though they couldn't help me. It wasn't their fault.

So with that, I sat down with some paper and a pen and began to write. I couldn't leave without a reasoning, ya know? No matter how much shit they put me through, they needed closure. Any person deserved that much. When I finished writing, I looked up to my clock. It was only four.

With a sigh, I put my stuff away and slipped the note into my jacket pocket. Hopefully it wouldn't fall out. Doubtful, I had it zipped up.

"Hey mom?" I said after I skipped down the stairs, slipping on my jacket on the way down.

"Yeah?" Finally, she responds!

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk..."

"Oh, alright. Don't be out too long."

"Alright," Was all I said before grabbing the door knob, turning it, and slipping outside onto the porch.

It was chilly as usual, but I didn't mind. I started to think again. I kept my promise, I didn't cut this whole time. I kept it for Kellin, no one else. He was the reason I've held on so long.

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