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Thank you guys for reading this story. It wasn't intended to be a very long story, just a way for me to express some of my feelings. I have a passion for writing stories, but I connected with this one the most. Hopefully I didn't make you all too sad.

Thank you Elizabeth Grace for creating the worlds most perfect melodies. If you haven't already, go to Itunes and buy Bleachless. I wrote this story based off the song, and every chapter title was lyrics from the song or album. I hope you can relate to the song now through this story.  

Also, I have other Kellic fanfictions, so feel free to check them out!

Thank you to everyone who's reading this right now. My stories wouldn't be anything if it weren't for you guys! So as Brand New says:

It'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate
A crown of gold, a heart that's harder than stone
And it hurts to hold on, but it's missed when it's gone

Thank you guys again.

This has been, Bleachless...

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