Part VII

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Glass after glass, you were drinking your beer like you were drinking water.

"Henry, one more!" You exclaimed.

"[Y/N], I think that is enough," Tom said signing Henry to cancel your order.

"You are such a killjoy, Hiddleston." You complained.

"Don't drink more than you can handle." He responded.

"I can handle myself." You told him looking at him in the eyes. But Tom sees something in your eyes like for a moment he glimpse sadness in your eyes.

"I'm just not good at taking care of drunk people." He said grinning at you, just to lighten up the moment.

"The last time I checked, it was you who always got drunk and I end up taking care of whimpering Thomas." You let out a laugh.

"I'm a grown man now and I can handle my alcohol." Tom defended himself.


"Really." Tom leaned in a bit closers and you can see clearly his eyes. How it made you calm by just looking at them, how it reminds you of the ocean. But your thoughts were cut off when he said: "And I know when to stop drinking."

"You know what..." you paused a bit then "Henry two glasses of your finest beer, please."

This made Tom palm himself. He knew that you will not listen to him so "Henry make it three!" He said making you smiled victoriously. Tom did control his drinking.

"You sure, you got this?" Henry asked looking at the pass out you in Tom's arms.

"Yes, I got this," Tom said giving the old man a reassuring smile.

"This is rare." Henry sighed smile.

"Yeah." Tom simply answered.

"She can drink, yes but she knows her limits and when she got drunk, you know that she is worried about something or she is sad," Henry commented.

A knot formed on Tom's forehead, asking Henry "You've seen her like this before?"

"Yes, when you dated that blonde girl from America, the singer. She got herself drunk and end up staying for the night." Henry couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Did she say anything why she got drunk?" Tom asked another question.

"[Y/N], didn't say any specific reason but she was ranting that you might end up moving to America because of your girlfriend and leave her here by herself." Henry answered, "Don't tell her that I told you that, I promised her that I will not tell to anyone what happened that night." Henry palmed himself "Me and my big mouth."

"Don't worry, Henry. I will not tell a soul." Tom said smiling at him.

"Thanks, now off you go. I need to clean up. Careful on your way home."

Not knowing where you parked and your keys, Tom decided to use his car instead. Looking at you and back to the road, Tom hesitated to take a turn going to your place. He took the road to go to his house. Carrying you again in his arms into his house, Bobby greeted him happily.

"Hi buddy, don't be too loud. [Y/N] is asleep." Tom mumbled. Placing you on his bed, you immediately snuggled his duvet. A smile formed on his lips. Tom, took off your shoes and socks but he had a hard time taking off your jacket.

"Bobby, remind me that I will never tolerate [Y/N] the next time she will get drunk." Tom got a bark as an answer.

You can feel the heat of the sun kissing your skin. Opening your eyes, you tried to adjust to the light then you realized that you were not in your room and checking yourself, you were wearing a pajama. You tried to remember last night and you know you were with Tom. No, Tom will not abandon you, thinking that you went home with a stranger then you heard barking sounds coming closer and a dog jumped onto the bed and stared at you wiggling his tail.

"Bobby?" You said and he barked "I.." looking around, the place was familiar to you, you were in Tom's bedroom. Getting to your feet and carried Bobby, you went downstairs and you heard a familiar voice singing, it was Tom. Following the voice, you found yourself in the kitchen and Tom was cooking "Good morning."

"Oh [Y/N], Darling, good morning." Tom kissed you on the cheek "How are you? Any headaches?" He asked and he has this look on his face like he was trying to read your mind.

"I'm good, I'll feel better once I got my morning coffee." You said looking away. There something about the morning and you don't feel comfortable.

"By the way, I hope you won't mind if I change your clothes. I don't think you can sleep comfortably with them." He said.

"You were the one who changed me into the pajamas?"

"Yes and don't act like I have not seen you naked before but don't worry I didn't do anything to you while you were sleeping." he let out a small laugh.

"As if." you did rolling your eyes "Where are my clothes?"

"They are already in the dryer but if you..." Tom said.

"I'll go ahead and check them." You said cutting him off.

"It's next door," Tom responds.


You left and decided to stay in the laundry room until it finished. After it was done, you went to the comfort room, took a quick shower and dressed. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you took a deep breath. Going downstairs, Tom welcomed you with a bright smile and it must be one of the best views you've seen.

"Breakfast is served." He happily exclaimed.

"Tom, I'm sorry but I can't. I need to go back to Henry's and pay him for last night and I need to get my car." You told him. A part of you was telling you to stay and the other to run and that this is not meant to happen.

"A little breakfast won't hurt and I already paid Henry," Tom said pulling you but you took back your hand.

"Tom, what are you doing?" You asked holding your hand.

"Pulling you to the table so we can eat breakfast." He answered still smiling.

"Tom, we have a deal. You said we can't have breakfast..."

"In your place and after we had sex." He said still trying to convince you.

"Still, I'm sorry. I really have to go. Just tell me how much the bill and I'll go." You said feeling these weird feelings.

"No need to pay me, it is my gift to you." Tom gave you a weak smile.

"Thank you for your hospitality." You said kissing him on the cheek and left.

Tom felt disappointed, he was excited and he prepared it just for you. Sitting on the table, Tom lost his apatite. He was expecting a fun breakfast with you and he was planning to tease you about you being drunk but you left. He thought that he can spend the morning with you. You on the other hands was massaging your chest while walking, you can feel your heart winching in pain, remembering the sad smile that Tom gave you.

|End of PartVII|

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