Big Bang part 2

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Heading to the schools office

Stiles: Ok. Now I have to lock the doors so nobody can get out or in the school.

Principal White: Mr. Stilinski? What are you doing out side of class??

Stiles: I need you to lock the doors mr. white?

White: Stiles that's a odd request. And my answer is No! Now get back to class

Stiles: You don't understand (laughing)
You will lock the school doors and push the fire alarm and won't tell anyone what just happened!

White: Anything else?

Stiles: Yes, I'm glad you asked.
(Looking into principal whites eyes)
Don't scream

(Stiles begins to suck the blood from mr. whites neck)


Fire Alarm rings

Back into the classrooms

Mr. Boll: Ok everyone get up into walk calmly.

Scott: Do you guys know what is happening? I smell blood!

Lydia: I have know idea. I have feeling there is going to be death.

Kira: Guys where's stiles!! Could he be hurt!

Scott: i don't know or care!!

Alison: Omg Scott he is still your best friend!!

Scott: Whatever!!

At the school doors

Everyone: open the doors!!

Mr. Porter: what is going on? The doors won't open!?

(People begin to scream)

Scott: Guys what is happening?? I smell more blood! Find stiles he may be doing this!

In the science class

Stiles: (with blood all over his face) Correct! I am doing this!(laughing)

Has a girl in his arms unconscious

Lydia: what are you doing stiles?

Stiles: This is my Big Bang before I leave but I'm not done yet!! Your probably wondering why I have blood all over my face? (Laughing)

Lydia: Yes. Why?? And what are you Stiles. (Scared)

Stiles: let me show you!!

Stiles begin to suck blood from Lydia softly

Stiles begin to suck blood from Lydia softly

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Lydia moaning

Scott: what the hell are you doing stiles? Get off of her!!

Alison: Stiles stop!! What are you! (Screaming)

Scott: STOP!! ( using is alpha voice )

Stiles: (stiles stops) how do you feel Lydia?(Laughing)

Lydia: Amazing!!

Stiles: I was going to do this to a random person but!!
(Stiles feeds Lydia is blood and snaps her neck)

Scott: what did you do?

Alison: I'm going to kill you! (Crying but also angry)

Stiles: Don't worry she is dead but in about 10 minutes she will be alive!

Speeds away

Isaac and Liam show up

Issac: God! What happened?

Scott: I don't know we have to get her to the animal clinic!

At the animal clinic

Deaton: What happened?

Scott: Stiles feed Lydia his blood and snaps her neck!! He did it so easily too! And he ran really fast out the door!

Deaton: Call a meeting we need to talk!

Guys this is the author! What you guys think about this chapter?
Lydia is dead but not for long
How will she be as a vampire
There is going to be a long triangle!!
You will be davina soon!!
They are about to find out about vampires!!
How will Scott react to stiles being one!!

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